MORMON SHUNNING - On front page of LATimes

by bluesapphire 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • bluesapphire

    Hey, there is a very good article on Mormon shunning on the front page of the Saturday Los Angeles Times. I'm going to respond to this journalist and tell him about the dubs. I think maybe if many did this, a good story on dubs might come out - maybe even front page too.

    Go here:

    This article is also perfect for showing those witness relatives of ours who shun us. They will see how much similarity they have to mormons. And it is perfect because the mormons have the 12 apostles = the GB; they call people who leave "apostates;" they shun their own relatives; they don't let their kids play with non-mormons and they also go door-to-door.

    This is a good one!

  • NameWithheld

    Wow. Could have replaced 'Mormon' w/ 'JW' and the article would have fit to a tee.

  • Celia

    Amazing article.
    Why aren't the JWs cited along with the Amish, etc...

    ...She eventually told her Mormon husband that she would no longer share a bed with him unless he stopped wearing his sacred Mormon undergarments, worn day and night by the devout. She wanted a respite from symbolism....

    Now, what are sacred undergarments ?????

  • hawkaw

    This was placed on the board a few days ago. Look in the one of the main UN threads (last or second last post). The interesting thing about the article was I think it said only the Mormans shun or something like that (kinda forgot about the JWs).

    Blue, if you talk about the child abuse issue send them to Bill, I also can put him in touch with a few others. Want to talk UN or blood send them to me. Lee Elder & Marvin can do blood too and of course the best for blood I think is Dr. Sam Muramoto.

    If he gets really interested make sure Randy Watters is nearby.

    If I was trying to "sell" the story .....
    I would try selling him on a group very similar if not harrsher than the Mormans that is having the whistle blown on them for supporting pedophiles and letting child abuse go on unabated and then explain the Dateline story. I will give you the names etc. to give too the reporter.


  • bluesapphire

    Hawk, I sent the following letter before I read your post oooops! But I don't think it's bad. We'll see what happens and I plan on being the "squeaky wheel" since we know this reporter is interested in religions.

    In response to the article on the Mormons and Shunning by William Lobdell:

    William Lobdell's article on the Mormon's shunning, really hit the nail on the head to a victim of this same abusive policy through the Watchtower Society - legal entity for the Jehovah's Witnesses.
    Although the Watchtower's official media website makes the claim that "Those who simply cease to be involved are not shunned..." thousands who have tried it know better!

    I know of no other religion which will shun a member for simply approving a blood transfusion to save their child's life. From 1967 to 1980 anyone who received an organ transplant was said to have committed " off the flesh of another" (Watchtower 11/15, 1967) and subsequently shunned by the congregation. The same reasoning and scriptures which were used by the Watchtower to condemn organ transplants are currently applied to blood therapies.

    Compounding the situation, many hospitals have set up "Hospital Liaison Committees" with the local congregations and upon the admittance of any JW, an elder is notified. This puts extreme durress on the JW to refuse potentially life-saving blood products, knowing that if they do not they will be shunned by all of the congregation, including their own relatives.

    Some Jehovah's Witnesses find themselves having to deny that they are JWs out of fear of being found out to have received a blood product not on the current "approved" list of the Watchtower - a list which is continually changing. Only recently have fractions of all of the major blood components been added to the approved list, disregarding the fact that thousands have lost their lives due to refusing those very items. It is difficult to imagine being in the position of having to decide between living and losing your family or dying. Many choose the latter.

    While the Mormon leadership - the "Quorum of the Twelve Apostles" seem to be making some attempts at "embracing" non members and former members, the "Governing Body" of Jehovah's Witnesses have not even recognized that the shunning practice for those who leave due to conscience reasons, many times their inability to comprehend the arbitrary nature of the blood doctrine, violates the most basic of human rights and liberties. For more information go to

  • Eyebrow

    I think it was interesting to read this paragraph in th article:

    "Church Elder Tad R. Callister said the church recognized its shortcoming when it recently released its "Doctrine of Inclusion," which implores members to better embrace nonmembers--whether people of other religions or former Mormons."

    Another thing you are not likely to hear at a KH.

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