For active jdubs participating in current tract campaign

by lovelylil 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • lovelylil

    What do you and those in your kh think about this tract?

    To me it is a boring advertisement for the what does the bible teach book. Probably the most boring tract campaign i've ever seen. Is there any excitement over this campaign in your hall at all. Or is it just same old, same old attitude?

    Tell us what the dubs are saying about this. Thanks, Lilly

  • lovelylil

    Thats it? No one wants to comment on giving out the new tract?

  • yknot

    Well unlike some KHs.... we are expected to plaster all 6500 tracts in the next 3 weeks..(no publisher or pioneer tract limits either)

    The continued rumors of lowering pioneer hours in December is proving more fodder for excitment then this tract.

    Heck I even dared to mention in FS that it was more about keeping us busy rather then conversion.


    Dear Bethel Lurker.....The clampdown isn't working like in the 80's, most of us are rolling our eyes... Once 2014 passes it is just gonna get worse. Better to start offering more enticements to stay, to convert and want to be converted, say fellowship that isn't directly meeting or FS related, maybe some kids programs, and I have some ideas that could give Abeka and Bob Jones a run for their money.....besides who would you rather your members send money to for their homeschool or them

    And yes we did leave those tracts in the gates and fences or our most northeastern territory ( on the way to the mall)....

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