Jehovah's Witnesses given preferential treatment in Finland! Protests!

by JWdaughter 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JWdaughter

    This is an interesting article about military service, alternative service and Jehovah's witnesses in Finland.

    "In Finland, in theory all men between the ages of 18 and 60 are subject to military service. Approximately 82% of all young men do military service and around 7% do alternative non-military service. Members of the Jehovah Witnesses were exempted from both forms of service under legislation that came into force in 1987.
    <br><br>According to the newspaper Keskisuomalainen, the Human Rights Committee of the United Nations and the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe have called Finnish legislation discriminatory in this respect and said that the preferential treatment accorded to Jehovah's Witnesses should be extended to other groups of conscientious objectors."

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    Very it's 'preferential treatment' the Witnesses get, rather than 'persecution'. My, my, the times they are a changin!

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