I just got my hands on a copy of the new Tract!

by lovelylil 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • lovelylil

    So my hubby went to work this morning and I told him about the new tract campaign and told him to be on the look out for it. He takes the train in to Boston and he told me in the past that there is an elderly man who hands out literature. So I tell him, keep your eyes open for him so you can get me a copy of the tract.

    This morning sure enough, he goes to the train station and here is the eldery man holding up the tract. My hubby walks up to him and takes it and says thank you and the old man says "have a nice day".

    Thats it! No other words were exchanged. That is the whole presentation, just holding it up. Boy what a great job the JWs do getting this "urgent" message out of theirs right?

    Anyway, my hubby is at work so he will bring home the actual copy later. But he scanned it for now and emailed it to me. I am going to read it over a cup of coffee in a minute. I just quickly glanced at it and it looks like basically it is just an advertisement for the book "What does the Bible really teach".

    Its no wonder the JWs have no zeal in handing this one out. No urgent message at all. Just free advertising for the WT.

    Peace everyone, Lilly

  • AgentSmith

    mmmm, I would like to see that. Then again, maybe not. It is surprising how the JW's are so 'limp' nowadays. Last year I had a visit during the last big tract campaign. I told the brother that I was looking forward to receiving my copy. He handed it over and smiled, and replied " Really?" "Yes, I was anticipating your visit" He then turns on his heels and says "Have a nice day" and joins another brother standing at my gate. If I were out in Field Circus and I got a response like that I would have spent my whole morning there! But that just me, tried to convert everyone, to be a zealot like me... lol. Unplugged, Agent Smith

  • lovelylil

    Trust me it is nothing special at all. It covers 6 Q's people may ask such as what happens when we die? And can we have true happiness, etc. Basically the topics the WT always covers. And then ends it with an advertisement for the book "what does the bible really teach".

    There is no substance to this at all, or any real message other than free advertising for the WT's book. This is about the WORST tract campaign I have ever seen. And will no doubt be the most boring one for the poor jdubs you have to hand this one out.

    If I were them, I would burn my copies in the backyard and toast marshmellows with the kiddies, then put down fake hours and numbers on my time sheet.

    I am not kidding you, this is a complete WASTE of time!


  • sacolton

    Well, it's all about the numbers on the slip of paper. That's all they care about. Gotta meet the monthly quota.

  • DoomVoyager

    Scans have been posted several times. Here are the ones I initially did:


  • WTWizard

    I am not kidding you, this is a complete WASTE of time!

    Paper, too. I don't call these things "Waste of Paper Distribution Campaigns" for nothing. And they just want you to get your waste of paper quickly so they can get onto the next person to give their waste of paper to.

  • fokyc

    Have your very own copy here:


    You did want the truth didn't you?


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