Speaking of Holes

by wonderwoman77 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • wonderwoman77

    Well I posted the post about holes in bottles when dealing with relationships. Well my mother must have known I was talking about her. I have not talked to her since sept. 11, and that was becaue I called her because I was upset and really wanted family to be there, but she was just yelling at me for not stopping to see her the week before. Anyway, I have not talked to her since then, and when I got off the net from posting that post....a call from her. I did not even know what to say. It makes me so sad. She has no idea about my life or the things that are now important to me. As soon as I feel like I have her beat, she shows up and brings me crashing down again. In a way I am happy that she called because I know she is alive and somewhat well, but then it hurts me because I am really not in her life. Geez....Soon as I feel I am off the roller coaster, I realize I am getting ready to drop down a great big hill


  • SixofNine

    oh, I thought this was going to be about Courtney Love.

  • SixofNine

    oops. Sorry Stephanie. You're trying to be serious, and I'm steppin all over you trying to be funny. That was crass. I'm sorry for your troubles.

  • COMF

    If you're talking about your mom, then I missed the call in my post in your other thread. I told you to just end the relationship. Sorry, you can't do that with a mom. I thought you were still going on about the needy, clingy girlfriend. I've had a couple of those, myself... they want to latch onto you and suck all your energy out for their use. Damn 'em; let 'em muster their own energy, or go find somebody more willing to be used and suckered than I am.


  • wonderwoman77

    Hey COMF,

    I was talking about both my mom and my gf in the other post, although I think things are better with my gf, at least for now, I am not feeling like she is a bottle with holes, but my mom has been that way since I can remember. Sometimes I think it would be better to end the relationship with her, but then I am torn.... I am sure I will work it out one day....

  • Inquiry

    Hey Steph aka WW....

    I too had a rough relationship with my Mom... She had sooo many problems, and in hindsight she just didn't get the push she needed to go get help for herself... I used to hate my mom and feel guilty for hating her.. What I realize now is that I hated how she acted. My Mom acted the way she did for reasons... she was a very insecure woman, had never led the life that she wanted, she always seemed to settle for second best, and she really hated that... she never learned to cope with her real problems and other problems set in because of that... she drank, a lot, she took many different kinds of medication... and she was sooo depressed.... After she died I found out about some of the things that had happened to her, she had never told her kids.... her mother died in my mothers tender years... apparently it was a terrible death, her father had an affair while the mother was sick and one week after she died he moved in with his lover....and took every belonging of grandma's with him.... he basically abandoned my mother.... my mother married at 16 to a terrible man, he walked out on her and her young son.... somewhere in my mother's history, someone abused her sexually... it affected her whole perception of herself... and she was unable to make herself happy....
    All this and so much more... she had a miserable life, and was miserable almost every day of her life, she even tried therapy, but it was too hard for her to face those realities, and that she may have been part of the problem.... Mom couldn't handle that...
    During all of this she had four kids... and I can tell you it was tough for us... but unfortunately too late for my mom and I, the information came too late..., but I can understand where my mom was coming from... I knew she was in pain and people in pain lash out.... it wasn't that she meant to, it was just what she knew to do... she had no other skills in the matter... unfortunately, she died before we could really make peace, but there was one moment, one tiny occurence, a phone call when she was in the middle of therapy, and she apologized for everything... told me she really did love me... and that I wasn't as bad as she always let on.... it was the only lucid moment I had with her, it lasted an hour, just one, and then everything went back to "normal". My mother passed away a few years back, and that moment comforts me to this day...
    My point is, you won't be able to change your mother's attitude... only she can do that... and not having a relationship with her will only end up making you feel bad... I know that you feel you have good reason for the way you react to her... and in many ways you do... but I can tell you from experience that the challenge and the reward comes when you try to understand why your mom is the way she is... it's too late to find it out when she's gone... now that I know what I know about my mom, I wish I could ask her about them... let her know I understand a few more things now... and offer the opportunity for a better relationship... but I can't do that now... and it leaves a void no matter what my excuses at the time for not persuing it...
    I normally don't go around walking around in my underwear like this...:D but I thought another perspective may help you out...
    I wish you well in these endeavors, it is one of the most challenging lessons in life... dealing with our parents.... but they have taught us good lessons, even if learning them was painful.... My mom had lots of problems, she worked from a deficit of skills and experience in her own life about how to be a good parent... and I spent a lot of time blaming her for it. In the end I wish things were different, not so much about her, but how I handled it.... I still miss her....

    Hope this helps
    Inq :)

  • wonderwoman77

    I understand where you are coming from Inquiry. I wanted for the longest time to understand my mother. I tried talking to her. I went to counseling to deal with the past she put me through. I had to deal with my mom trying to commit suicide when I was 12, that is when I began to take care of her. She is alive because I was proactive in getting her to the hospital, etc. I tried to get my mother to go to counseling with me, so we could have a better relationship, but never would she go. She tells me the reason she stays with her abusive boyfriend is because he gives her an identity, something she says she lacks otherwise. I understand that, but I also understand that i cannot have a close relationship with someone that loves me one minute and hates me the next. It is too much for me. I love my mom, and when she needs me she knows I am here. I set up a code word for her, that if she is getting abused, she can call me and say that, and I will get help for her. I have done what I can. I cannot control her, only she can change and seek the help she needs. She had her moods successfully stabalized through medication, but stopped taking it. She says her boyfriend is enough good for her and does not need meds when with him. What a hunk of bull. I understand your feelings, and I love my mom and have always wanted a good relationship with her, but I cannot do all the work, I did for 11 years, and I cannot anymore, that is just how things stand. I have to protect myself and take care of me, because if I don't who will?

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    That is one of the biggest things I learned through therapy. If you can't take care of yourself then you have nothing to offer to anyone else.
    Sounds like you are well on the road to moving on!! Hugs and a toast to you!!

  • Inquiry

    Hey WW

    Yep, you've had your share.... it's a rough, very tough road... sorry it's like that for you.... I know where your coming from too... your a real sweetheart you know... doing all that for your mom... I'm giving you a huge cyber hug ((((((((((((((((((((((wonderwoman77)))))))))))))))))))))))))) !!!!!! :) You chose your name on this board aptly.... a wonder woman 77 times over... I feel for you and your mom.... she must be so lost and unhappy.... and you sound like you've run the gambit from frustration to knowing your limits.... That's one of the hardest things in life, how do you support Mom without buying into her game plan....
    I didn't want to sound critical, I just know what the other side of it feels like... and I don't wish it on anyone... but there is truly only so much a person can do, and it sounds like you have done it. The rest is really up to your Mom... some people can get help and achieve a good balance in their lives, Some just can't. My Mom tried, and was unable to keep facing it... She slid back into her usual role and never revisitied healing again.... Fortunately for her, she had a fellow who loved her dearly and let her live her way.... I am so grateful for that.... I feel bad that you don't have that comfort...When I think back on my relationship with my Mom, I wonder if there was any way out of the situation without regret.... when they're gone, it sticks with you... you can deal, but you always feel sad about it.... I guess it's the nature of the parent/child relationship, in it's disfunctional form.....
    I was an abused woman too... I was with someone who was quite cruel and violent... love for my son and an intolerable despair got me to leave that situation... I was very young at the time and knew that I couldn't live like that for long... I took it for a year and then I set about doing what I needed to, to never become involved with someone like that again... Research and therapy.... it was my ticket... Your Mom's claim that without this man she has no identity is a very lucid thought considering her circumstances... but if she won't go get the help she needs, it's really out of your hands beyond that...
    I send my best wishes, and hope for your mom.... take very good care of yourself WW...
    Thanks for sharing this personal and painful issue in your life... You're courageous, that's for sure... and your handling yourself top notch... My email is open if you ever want to write to me...

    Your friend in cyber space....
    Inq :)

  • wonderwoman77

    Inquiry...thank you so much for understanding....I appreciated your post SO much....

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