Grading system?

by iloowy 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • iloowy

    watson in the discussion about noolite:

    mentions a "grading system".

    Funny that would be brought out. As a School Overseer

    I was asked by my then PO to sit with him and the WT

    Study conductor to actually grade the "aptitude" of

    elders in our congregation to be used in circuit and

    district talks at the assemblies and conventions. This

    would provide the CO's with a rating and a list of

    available and recommended brothers.

    It's no stretch of the imagination to see how they could

    start expanding this "grading system" to make appointments,

    dish out "responsibilities and privileges of service" further.


  • iloowy

    The actual request made to all bodies of elders was to use a grading system A, B, C, etc. hard to believe but true. Any others serving as active elders in the congregations when this request was made a few months ago?

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