Did the WT ever teach this?

by marsal 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • marsal

    Did the WT ever state that 'any angel could have been chosen to come to earth as a perfect man to pay the price for the "ransom sacrifice".

    I read that somewhere and wondered if it was true.

  • treadnh2o

    I've never heard this.

    It would seem to poke holes in the "prophecy" @ Gen. 3:15

    Dubs interpret this scripture as pointing to Jesus.

  • gaiagirl

    I don't know if they ever taught that, but can't think why it would have made any difference, provided that one buys into the whole "original sin/ransom sacrifice" dogma (the Genesis account sounds like one of Rudyard Kiplings "Just So Stories" to me..."How the Humans Lost Their Paradise").

    The gospels state many times that Jesus did such-and-such "in order that the prophecy might be fulfilled". IF these things truly happened (they may be later edits added long after Jesus life), then it wasn't so much as him being BORN into a role, as his consciously doing things so that people would believe he was the right one for that role.

  • ninja

    *** cl chap. 14 pp. 143-144 par. 13 Jehovah Provides “a Ransom in Exchange for Many” *** But God did not send just any angel to rescue mankind. Instead, he sent the One who could furnish the ultimate, conclusive answer to Satan’s charge against Jehovah’s servants. Yes, Jehovah made the supreme sacrifice of sending his only-begotten Son, “the one he was specially fond of.

  • ninja

    are you maybe thinking of the above ?.....doesn't say what you said

  • Mary

    This is the only thing I can find:

    February 1, 1997 WT pg. 11 par. 11:

    Jehovah did not send an angel to earth to pretend to die by laying down an incarnated body while he lived on as a spirit. Instead, by performing a miracle that only God, the Creator, could have devised, he transferred the life-force and personality pattern of a heavenly son to the womb of a woman, Mary the daughter of Heli, of the tribe of Judah.
  • Satanus

    Here's some more:

    *** po chap. 11 pp. 137-138 par. 20 The Messiah of God’s “Eternal Purpose” ***

    20 Who, though, was the son whom God chose to be born as a perfect human creature? It was not the angel Gabriel, for he was the one that materialized and appeared to Mary and announced her coming motherhood. The Holy Scriptures do indicate that it was the one whom an angel, when speaking to the prophet Daniel, called “the prince of you people,” “the great prince who is standing in behalf of the sons of your people,” namely, Michael. (Daniel 10:21; 12:1) He had been acting as a princely supervisory angel in behalf of the nation of Israel, and he was doubtless the angel that manifested himself in the burning thornbush to Moses at the foot of Mount Horeb back in the sixteenth century B.C.E. He has rightly been called Michael the archangel. His having his life-force transferred to Mary’s egg cell by Almighty God’s power that overshadowed Mary meant that he, Michael, disappeared from heaven. By human birth from Mary, the Jewish virgin, he was to become a human soul. This made him available for the fulfillment of Isaiah 53:10 concerning Jehovah’s “suffering servant”:


  • marsal

    I have been offline since I last posted, so thank you everyone for your answers.

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