Just In Time For Halloween, Zombie Witnesses

by ColdRedRain 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • ColdRedRain

    The other day, I was reading a Peta message board about "zombie chickens" and it sort of reminded me about dubs that leave but still think it's the truth. If you don't know what a zombie chicken is, after an egg laying hen is done laying eggs, they stuff the hens in a room full of carbon dioxide and gas them to death. The hens don't produce enough marketable meat so they gas them and turn them into fertilizer. Once in a while, one of the hens pop out of the chamber dazed and confused and they kill the hen.

    Now a zombie witness is a JW that's been gassed by some of the negative concepts of the non JW world without any of the positive concepts. So pretty much, they're in a dazed and confused state.

    I have a feeling none of them are going to be crying for "brains". Hehe.

  • sacolton

    Oh, man! That gave me an awesome idea! Dress up like a zombie and go door to door with Watchtower and Awake magazines. I could say, "They lied to me! I'm still conscience of everything! Has Armageddon come yet?" LOL!

  • lisavegas420

    This thread made me think of this...



  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Oh, man! That gave me an awesome idea! Dress up like a zombie and go door to door with Watchtower and Awake magazines. I could say, "They lied to me! I'm still conscience of everything! Has Armageddon come yet?" LOL!

    Sacolton you are just like me! The same thought hit me in my pineal gland! It would be awesome to hit just JW houses but since they don't answer their doors (Hell, my father in law puts hazard tape all around his front yard!) I maybe I'll do it the night before!!!

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