If we know it's a Crock.....

by cameo-d 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cameo-d

    Does that make us the Anti-Christ?


    Cameo-D.....The Truth is Simple..Lie`s need to be Explained...........Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • Hortensia

    if you KNOW it's a crock, some may call you the anti-christ, but who gives a damn? If the folks who swallow the lie hook line and sinker want to demonize you for seeing the truth, well, that's one of their little tools to keep themselves deceived.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    The anti - Christ is also a crock

    Acknowledging this just makes us smarter

    Doesn't make you wonder why is it that the most highly educated intelligent people in the world are atheists........ummmm ?

  • WTWizard

    As I see it, the antichrist is any organization that tries to prevent people from consciously thinking ahead. Bans on independent research on the doctrines, being told to believe the organization even when they are blatantly wrong, and doing only what you are told to are the marks of the antichrist.

    Note that Christ sought to free people from a similar religion--the Pharisees.

  • cameo-d
    if you KNOW it's a crock, some may call you the anti-christ, but who gives a damn?

    And when they call US the anti-christ, aren't we the ones who then become persecuted? Does this mean that the religious zealots will one day turn on us?

    As I see it, the antichrist is any organization that tries to prevent people from consciously thinking ahead. Bans on independent research on the doctrines, being told to believe the organization even when they are blatantly wrong, and doing only what you are told to are the marks of the antichrist.

    Note that Christ sought to free people from a similar religion--the Pharisees.

    I like the way you worded that. I think the same way.

    why is it that the most highly educated intelligent people in the world are atheists

    But I am only half-atheist. Is there a special category for me? I know the old testament god is a hoax. However, I do still believe that Jesus was our connection to our true creators. He came to specifically to tell the Jews to knock it off because they were deceiving people, but they didn't listen. All of these superstitious, legalistic religions exist originate from Abraham.

  • Slappy

    Good point, however... Was the OT God a hoax, or was the Pharisee's interpretation of the OT God a hoax? Just like is God a hoax, or is the JW (or any other self-serving 'religious organization') interpretation of God a hoax? Jesus did, after all, quote many a time from the OT. I find it hard to believe that He would seek to bring a 'new' God to the Jews and then quote from the OT. But maybe I'm missing something.

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