Justice #21 - Analysis of JW Justice

by Amazing 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    Justice #21 – Analysis of JW Justice

    Many of you are relatively new to this board and may have missed much of my Justice Series, and the introduction to its purpose. This seems like a good time to refresh this Series for your benefit, and to add some additional thoughts:

    Purpose: The purpose of the series is to address the incompetence and lack of counseling qualifications of many of the men who have served as Elders. The purpose is also for those who can relate to the Watch Tower system of justice and know why judicial cases in that religion get handled the way they do.

    In saying the above, I am not in any way implying that the judicial activities in every congregation or on the part of all Elders is lacking justification, or that they all act in incompetent ways. Rather, I am giving my experiences as a former JW Elder, across several congregations in three states.

    In the judicial cases I have related to you, I was either involved in as an Elder, or I had first hand in-depth knowledge of as a result of Judicial file maintenance. In a few cases, other JW Elders relayed the account to me, and I judged the accuracy and credibility as valid enough, given my knowledge of other corroborating facts.

    Elder Sincerety: In this series I am not questioning the sincerity or the well-intentioned efforts of Elders to do what they believe is right. In one case so far, I showed how I myself contributed to some of the unfortunate decisions and actions of a judicial hearing.

    Analysis: Judging from the many responses I have received on the JWD forum, other forums, and private email, I am confident that the incompetent and harmful aspects of JW Justice is not confined to my experience. Rather, the underlying problems seem to permeate the organization over the globe, thus suggesting that in-spite of the good and sincere intentions of many Elders, there is a significantly serious problem with this phase of the Jehovah’s Witness religion.

    Many besides myself can see obvious lack of Biblical authority or direction to conduct Judicial Committees, take actions on the many types of offenses prescribed by the Watch Tower Society leadership, and the shear unchristian aspects of JW Justice resulting in serious harm to members who face congregation discipline.

    I have seen some victims of JW Justice become seriously depressed and mentally unstable. Some Elders have caused great harm by interfering with the mental health medical treatment of some JWs. As a by-product many families and marriages have needlessly been broken. Most importantly, the one crime that should have treated with a heavier hand – child molesting – has been virtually shielded from authorities, and continue to pose danger for JW children who unknowingly mingle with JW molesters within their congregations.

    What Needs to Change?: The following are a few of the steps that, in my opinion, need to be taken to bring about appropriate reform. I am sure that many of you will note items that I have left out, or did not consider:

    1. The entire Watch Tower Justice System needs to be totally and completely abandoned to the dung-heap of sad history.

    2. Disfellowshipping and Disassociation needs to be terminated. It is not only unbiblical, but also utterly unchristian and harmful to most people most of the time.

    3. Elders, especially the Service Committee made up of the PO, SO, and Secretary need to attend professional counseling training – at least to the extent that they can refer a person to a professional – and so that they can understand the human psyche of heart and mind, and use this to temper any Bible counsel they would offer.

    4. Any JW guilty of serious crimes, such as molestation, murder, bank robbery, and the like, must be turned over to the authorities.

    5. Elders who are guilty of serious unchristian conduct must be removed from any positions of example or service. I have in mind drunkenness, adultery, theft, etc.

    6. JW who otherwise engage in serious unchristian conduct need to be kindly assisted, with love, encouragement, and referral to professionals where necessary. They do not need congregation discipline beyond removal from serving as examples. JW criminals guilty of very serious crimes, as noted above, sould be turned over to authorities.

    7. Those who no longer believe in the religion simply can have their names removed from membership, but no other actions are necessary.

    Final Thought: If the Jehovah’s Witness religion cannot trust the balance of the membership to remain faithful and loyal to the religion without fear of Disfellowshipping or Disassociation and total shunning, then they have no business being a religion, and should be dissolved. The rest of Christendom made up of normal responsible congregations with kind and well educated and trained pastors are able to hold congregations together without any official church actions to shun former members. They do this through healthy teaching, and practicing the love of Christ. When they fail, as they do at times, they suffer defeat and get fired by congregations, as they should. Christendom for the most part allows for a check and balance against the abuse and misuse of spiritual authority, and in this way are far superior to anything the Jehovah’s Witness religion has ever been able to do. - Amazing

  • JeffT

    Well said.

    I've attended a large independent Christian church since leaving the Watchtower in 1989. We have college educated counselors overseeing the counseling deptartment. There are volunteers as well and they recieve extensive training. No such process as judicial committees or disfellowshipping exists. People frequently go to other churches, this does not require that their friends stop speaking to them.

    The system used by the Watchtower is simply wrong.

  • zanex

    I am a df'd one for about 8 or 9 years and I have to say that your post spoke to me in volumes. When I was df'd my life went through some massive psychological and emotional damage. My parents who were and still are loyal devout jw's cut me off and to this day still do, eventho the elements of my life at the time I was df'd and my life now are completely different. It was only through the love and the support of some "worldly and bad association" people that I am alive to see today. My dad is an elder and to this day hangs the fact that he has to minimize or stop all contact with me. I have a wife and a daughter now and it is becoming a danger to them...I totally agree with you about the elimination of the whole "disfellowhipping and disassociating" practices. Support from me 100%. In the meantime I will just find a nice spot in this insane asylum that I like to call "df land" got a nice straightjacket of the membership too...lol

  • Pathofthorns



  • Amazing

    Hi Zanex: I can relate to some of the aspect of being DF'd. In May 1992, I walked away from the religion, and tried to keep a 'low-profile' and fade away. But, I am also somewhat outspoken, and in time as rumors became twisted, the Elders found a way to get me Disassociated. My understanding is that this was announced at the Kingdom Hall on July 17th, 1995 - exactly 25 years after I was baptized. I have since been shunned by all JWs I know.

    I was able to get my wife and children out, and this led to my son-in-law and a close friend leaving at the same time. So, I am among the more fortunate in that my immediate family, and non-JW friends and relatives were all there with me as I exited. Were it n ot for this close and needed support, I may not have done as well emotionally.

    Thanks for your comments - and I hope that in time your JW friends and family will open up to you, or even leave the religion and seek close association with you once again. This does happen. Sometime after I left the religion, my last Bible Study left and contacted me. It is surprising how easy it is to forgive them, and renew relationships. And the good part is that the relationships on based on what each person is, and how they feel about each other, and not on the conditinal relationship inside the JW religion. Be prepared, for one day you may see at least one person call you out of the blue - and it will be fun to talk to them again. - Amazing

  • barry

    Amazing your idears seem normal and fair to me. When I was invited to go to the memorial I asked my pastor to come along and he did. Ive written about it here. I wonder how many jws that may want to visit another church would be escorted by there elder, as you always put it so well, Amazing

  • Londo111


  • MissFit

    Thanks Londo, I've been finding these threads very enlightening. I hope new ones and lurkers will read these.

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