144,000... and 1?

by DoomVoyager 4 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • DoomVoyager

    I was looking at the study articles in the October 1, 1975 Washtowel (it is referenced in this weeks study Washtowel) and they make several references to the "144,001 members of the heavenly class". I'll assume the extra 1 is Jesus. When did they stop using the number 144,001? Not a major point or anything, I'm just curious about this.

  • AudeSapere

    This guy might know: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/member/4767.ashx

    Actually, I always thought his alias was cute. I had forgotten that the WTS occaisionally - or at one time - used to reference the 144,001.

    Don't know when the change occured. It's tough to keep track.


  • 144001
    I'll assume the extra 1 is Jesus.

    No, I'm not Jesus. I'm clean cut and I don't wear robes.

  • 144001
    "So the ‘many sons brought to glory’ in heaven total only 144,001—Jesus and his spiritual brothers."

    It's 144,002 if you're counting Jesus.

  • DoomVoyager

    No, the 144001 includes Jesus... it says so in the quote.

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