Mary's comments You won't...and my birthday

by kzjw 8 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • kzjw

    Talked with the jw wife about the rough time I always have near my B-day(9/9) and to my suprise before midnight on the 8th, whe bore to me a gift. I know, that was a huge thing for her to do. She has also moved since having a 4 week lay-off, to Aux Pio! She did ask/warn me in advance, but I told her that I already knew 2 months before that she'd choose that path, being a hearty drinker of the Kool-Aid wt-se. I also printed Mary's Comments and told her Monday that I wanted to cover this the next time we discussed jw'ism. Well, I came in Tuesday nite from bowling and found that she didn't go to her meeting. Not only that, she actually read 2 and a half pages of Mary's stuff, and wasn't freaking out when I got there! I know she was tired so I didn't delve into Comments to get her opinion yet. I don't want to force the issue, since she made the 1st move.

    I think she's making progress...

  • MadGiant

    I am very happy for you.

    Happy Birthday.


  • AudeSapere
    I don't want to force the issue, since she made the 1st move.

    I think things work better when you create a non-threatening environment that let's people just be and think. She read some. Let her think on it for a bit.

    You can lead a horse to water...


  • Number1Anarchist

    9/9/ is my Birthday too! I just turned the big 39

    Happy birthday and Congradulations on your wife making progress!

  • Number1Anarchist

    No problem!

    Keep up the Real Good Work

  • 4mylove

    That is so awesome!!!!!! So happy for you.


  • jamiebowers

    Congrats and belated happy birthday!

  • penny2
    found that she didn't go to her meeting

    Now that's progress!

    Congratulations on your good communication - and happy birthday!


  • Mary
    I also printed Mary's Comments and told her Monday that I wanted to cover this the next time we discussed jw'ism. Well, I came in Tuesday nite from bowling and found that she didn't go to her meeting. Not only that, she actually read 2 and a half pages of Mary's stuff, and wasn't freaking out when I got there! I know she was tired so I didn't delve into Comments to get her opinion yet. I don't want to force the issue, since she made the 1st move.

    I just saw this now for the first time. It makes me feel really good that something I wrote might help get a Witness to start thinking and reasoning for themselves. You're right----don't force the issue as it's alot for her to absorb mentally and emotionally. Let her think about it for a bit and go from there.

    Keep us posted!

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