Does Freewill require the presence of evil ?

by caliber 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • caliber

    The Free Will Defence for God
    To justify the existence of evil and suffering, despite God being all powerful and benevolent, it is said that free will is of such high worth that it is worth the risk of us using it to create evil.

    The argument against God
    God, as all powerful, chose to create evil. God chose to create suffering, pain, misery... and it made it so that we could choose to accept these things and if we made bad choices these things could happen to us. It also made it more than possible for us to do evil and create suffering ourselves, it made it likely. But the existence of evil is not required for free will.

  • Octarine Prince
    Octarine Prince

    Combine your comments.

    Free will exists, and some creatures use it for evil ends. God didn't create evil, so he does not bear the responsibility of a free agent's actions, in the same way that Ford or Chevy doesn't share the vehicular manslaughter charge in a drunk-driving case.

  • journey-on

    I don't think it requires the presence of evil...just the presence of real choice.

  • Number1Anarchist
    Combine your comments.

    Free will exists, and some creatures use it for evil ends. God didn't create evil, so he does not bear the responsibility of a free agent's actions, in the same way that Ford or Chevy doesn't share the vehicular manslaughter charge in a drunk-driving case

    I agree. The problem lies in the arguments. Even if your an Atheist you can reason that if there were a creator he is not held responsible for what his creations do giving them free will!

  • MadGiant

    I agree with OC.

    “Free will exists, and some creatures use it for evil ends. God didn't create evil, so he does not bear the responsibility of a free agent's actions”

    Take care

  • Maddie

    We have free will and also have the responsibility of using it for good or for evil. It is a gift of God if used wisely

  • JeffT

    Don't have the time just now to look up who said it but the comment went "free will only creates the ability to be wrong." It makes sense, if you have no free will, or no choice you can't do anything wrong. Can an insect be evil?

  • cameo-d

    Freewill is an illusion. It is also a manipulation.

    You will be told that you have freewill, however, if you do not make the "right" choice, you will suffer the consequences.

    The "right" choice is the plan of action you are being guided (subtle manipulation) to pursue.

    How can you have freewill when you are given foreknowledge that the "wrong" choice will cause you suffering?

  • bobld

    Some argue that God did not create evil but gave man freewill.The outcome of evil is man's doing.

    Let me explain my view by way of examples.Ex.1 God knew the exact date and events of Jesus Christs' birth. Ex.2 About 200 in years in advance,He foresaw Cyrus conqueror Babylon.So before Adam/Eve were created God foresaw and knew the outcome of their freewill.Wars,widespread hunger,earthquakes,disease moral and social breakdown.Are you right in saying all these bad things are becauses of man's freewill?If God knew these things before hand why would he create man only to see him suffer?Let me explain it in another way.If a woman is pragnant and knows that if she takes thioantimonite(not sure of spelling) her baby will be born deformed.Will she take this drug and have a baby and see it suffer needless.

  • caliber
    free will is of such high worth that it is worth the risk of us using it to create evil.

    The question of God's rightness of rule may seem to us a needless long and drawn out process but

    compared to all eternity it is not so ! The example of a woman taking a drug to prevent her own suffering

    while pregnant is only short term gain but long to term pain for her offspring .This is exactly opposite to God's

    plan of short term ( very relatively speaking ) pain for long term permanent gain ! It is gain for all parties involved,

    So then in effect God now says to you.. "take the pain not the thioantimonite .. then in a future day you shall

    behold your most healthy and beautiful child as a lasting blessing to your suffering ! "


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