For the converts: Do you ever feel your life has come full circle?

by truthseeker 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    Just a thought for those of you who converted to JWdom.

    Now that you're out, or in the process of leaving, do you feel that your life has come more or less full circle?

    Do you feel that you're back where you started?

  • Thechickennest

    There is huge gaping hole of 30 years that are missing in my circle.....but yes, I have come full circle.

    Just wish I had those 30years back. I know the outcomes would have been different not converting to JW-ism.

    I have great wife and a lovely daughter from JW land so all was not lost.

  • Casper

    I definitely feel that I have come full circle.

    I started out searching for a "GOD", that I had no knowledge of,
    spent 13 years thinking I had found him.

    Now here I am 11 years later... back to square one, still searching.


  • Borgia

    Nope! Not full circle, not crazy iwan, spiral, or whatever.

    As far as my situation is now, I consider it profit / loss situation. Over the course of my JW period though I had been a religious dumbhead, from a business point of view I'm not bad off. Maybe I could have been better off if I had used my time better. But that's hypothesizing. I'm afraid my wife will never leave jw-land but have good hope that my kids will.......

    When it comes to God. I'm atheist, so I've gone from dependent to independent mindset. That's not even close to a circle. But certainly something of the opposite heading....



  • WTWizard

    For me, it was a one-way dead end street. All the exits blocked off (yes, I can take a detour, but I know it's only a matter of time before the hounders, or the humanoid that brought me into the cancer in the first place, attempt to drag me back with physical force). And knowing that what waits for me is, not the religion I was dragged into in the late 1980s, but a totally sterile religion that is more controling than it ever was.

    Plus I do not like the way that humanoid was (and likely will again, given the chance) trying to run every little detail of my life. Everything from work schedules, field circus activity, and even what brand of laundry soap I use is dictated. And from seeing his running a department at work (I will not mention specifics because Brother Hounder would recognize it), he screwed up more things than he solved there. I don't need this humanoid screwing up my life any more than Jehovah Baghead already did.

  • quietlyleaving

    interesting question truthseeker.

    I realize now that it was the idea of a paradise earth, justice for all, harmony between God and man that attracted me into the truth. And now what do I find? My course material raises a pertinent point. That many political thinkers/philosopers turned to nature and the natural rights it seemed to point towards to challenge existng societal conventions. It seemed to provide "a moral measure by which the actual rights conceded by actual governments could be tested, and usually found wanting" (Open University A207)

    It s quite liberating for me to think that maybe that is what was going on when I bacame a witness.

    (have to run as I'm in a rush) back later


  • quietlyleaving

    so in other words, I guess if we wanted to see Jehovahs witnesses (and our loved ones still trapped inside) in a more positive light then we can see them as making a stand for liberty and justice, but as going about it in a very personally costly and extremist way.

    And I probably don't see myself as having come full circle but as having gone through an enormously testing experience that made me what I am today - but I no longer feel robbed or consumed by regret.

    ql of the rambling on class

  • berylblue

    Oh, god, no. I'm so much more discerning now, so much wiser. Having rejected Catholocism (seeing the flaws even as a child), then understanding to apply the same criteria to the WTBTS and finally, to ALL religions, I am no longer obsessed with finding the "true religion". There isn't one. I am the best person I can be and no longer worry about being killed by Jehovah or going to hell...

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