Big Boasting Session Warning

by WTWizard 0 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WTWizard

    Earlier, I swiped the themes from the Big and Great Boasting Session. The Great Boasting Session has as its theme "Keep Conquering Fun and Fulfillment Evil with Frustration and Stagnation Good. Which ought to be interesting, since one of the symposiums therein deal with the Internet, entertainment, and education.

    Some of you, however, will be having the Big Boasting Session first. And, from what I see, it is going to be a huge puke alert. The theme is a disgusting "Keep Watching the Ministry--That You Fulfill It". That is going to be about making sure we complete our field circus assignments. A symposium is going to deal with fulfilling it despite severe hardships and even sicknesses. Of course, it is going to deal with fulfilling assignments to pioneer (along with the pathetic 35 hour requirement for auxiliary pioneering and 50 for regular pioneering). I expect a mass guilt trip here along with admonition for everyone to pioneer during campaign months and months with five Saturdays and/or Sundays.

    And, this time I am willing to bet that there is going to be a huge push to get those waste of paper distribution campaigns completed this time. Last year, the REJECT Jesus Party Invites did not get finished. They want the new tract Waste of Paper Distribution Campaign to be finished on time, and this Big Boasting Session is going to have a nasty plug on it where, if it is not finished on time, we will have to render an accounting to that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag named Jehovah.

    Not to mention, driving all the waitresses at Starbucks and Tim Hortons that are any good to quit by "tipping" them with a waste of paper. THAT HAS GOT TO STOP! They already get enough of those things, and they can find them online if they really are interested. Despite what the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger tells otherwise, completion of the ministry does not mean depriving service people their just means of livelihoods and/or driving them out of their jobs with wastes of paper!

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