go figure!

by uncle_onion 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • uncle_onion

    Let me tell you all about my brother.

    I love him to bits so please remember this when you are reading this post.

    My brother is 20 years old and was away from the "truth" for about a year as he had a "worldly" girlfriend. About 4 months ago they broke up and suprise, suprise he started attending meetings again!

    Two weeks ago, he texted me on my cell phone for my neices number as they had lost touch and were good friends. I gave it to him without thinking. About an hour later, he contacted me again and started to be abusive. He said that I should have told him that she was disfellowshipped Blah, blah, blah!!!! He went on for ages as if I had tried to set him up! I told him that it did not matter to me what she had done as she was still my neice. He thought differently!

    Well yesterday, he contacted me again to tell me that .......Next thursday it will be announced that he is disfellowshipped! What for? Sleeping with his girlfriend, sleeping with a girl that he met down the pub two weeks ago,smoking and smoking cananbis!His friend dobbed him in and he decided to come clean on everything!

    Go figure


    PS. It will be interesting to see what my mother does.She told me that if a member of the family (who still lives at home) were to start thinking like me and become an "apostate" she would have no hesitation in throwing them out to protect the rest of the family.

  • zev

    hey uncle...

    i enjoyed reading this....made me think.

    especially this line...*She told me that if a memeber of the family (who still lives at home) were to start thinking like me and become an "apostate" she would have no hesitation in throwing them out to protect the rest of the family.*

    what do you do when your wife says that, to you.?

    it really opens your eyes to whats what, doesnt it.

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  • Frenchy

    Hello, uncle.
    Your story is not an unusual one. Now here's really something to mull over. I'll bet that your mom will be far more tolerant of your brother, even though he was df'd for immorality, than she will ever be of you for being 'apostate'. Your brother is likely to still look down his nose at you even if your moral behavior is above his.

    I talked to a young man not too long ago who got quite upset because I said something that was not complimentary to the Society. (Sheesh! He should hear me on here!) He got real indignant at my having the audacity to question 'the truth'. His status? He's disfellowshipped for immorality, smoking, and drunkeness. Although I'm not involved in these things, I'm a terrible person for questioning things that are likely to change anyway. ...Go figure is right.

    Another guy I know very well got very upset when someone made some changes to one of the Society's 'canned' blueprints for a hall. (There's like 5 plans you have to choose from and that's it.) He said that the plans should not be altered in the least inasmuch as they were a product of Holy Spirit. A couple of months later he was df'd for immorality.

    It would appear that The Greatest Sin is disagreement with the Society. Of course, to us who have experienced it, that is really no surprise at all.

  • JT

    Great commment

    It would appear that The Greatest Sin is disagreement with the Society. Of course, to us who have experienced it, that is really no surprise at all.


    and the reason is simple - the indoctrination process teaches all jw that getting a little "Coochie" on the side, getting drunk , etc are all works of the flesh due to weakness-

    but to question the Org is OUTRIGHT spitting in the face of God himself
    AND IT Is DUE TO this type of indoctrination process of how to treat violaters of certain rules has been the key to wt success

    they define how a person is to be treated and viewed based on the "Crime" and the ultimate crime in the eyes of a jw ---is to question the mouthpc of god-

    it's kinda cool the way they have actually gotten folks who lie cheat steal and bang women on the side to look down on anyone who says:

    "I think they got that Generation Thing wrong"

    for that little statement prior to 1995 was all that was needed for a DF jw to actually feel superior to you.

    as one jw told me i have done alot of bad things but i have never Questions the org that jah is using

    and it it that mindset that will keep the masses of jw in the org till they die tire and old and still waiting on thier Beach Front Property Timeshare-- the one they got for WEEK 53


  • ashitaka

    They're hyocrites, what are you going to do? I've given up.


  • ISP

    Hey UO...it was all your fault!


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