Favorite posts: Hillary Step

by BizzyBee 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • BizzyBee

    Here's mine from January '08:

    So let us analyse this thread shall we.

    A person under the influence of drink starts a thread on an international discussion Board in which he talks suicide and despair.

    Some people {{{{{{{{hug}}}}}}}} him. Some tell him to pull himself together, get some professional help and stop piling anxieties on people who are not in a position to do anything about his misery. Meanwhile those of the tribe of {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hug}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} pat him on the head, finish draining their expresso's and kiss their worn Slime Dion posters before retiring. The {{{{{{{huggers}}}}}}} then get angry at the non-huggers because according to the {{{{{{{{{huggers}}}}}}} the non-huggers are mean-spirited. A mele begins.

    The {{{{{{{{huggers}}}}}}}} obviously forgetting the emotional importance in being able to {{{{{{{{{{{hug}}}}}}}}}} online, drop their brackets around their ankles and come out of their corner, this time showing the non-huggers what a mean spirit is really all about! One {{{{{{{{hugger}}}}}}}}} threatens to thrash a non-hugger, and the person who caused all the grief in the first place suggests that he would not waste a bullet on any of the non-huggers.

    Have I got this right?

    God, this Board.....lol It is like closing time at the Black Horse in Deptford. If you go home with teeth you face your mates with shame the next day, unless of course you can persuade your Gran to punch you out.


  • minimus

    Since the other heavies rarely post, Hillary has stepped up to the plate.

  • FreudianSlip


    FreudianSlip, you are the most beautiful, intelligent and fascinating person I have ever come in contact with

  • minimus

    When was that said?????

  • FreudianSlip

    Uh.. I wrote that from memory.. yeah..

  • CunningMan

    Here's a very recent post by Hillary that I like:


    Bendrr is on undercover operations, planting digital bombs under digital websites and cannot chat at present. Only when they explode will we know the full power of the Bendrrrrrrrrrrr!

    I speak to you using my covert name......HS

    Howitzer Sandwich

  • stillajwexelder

    Too many - hoping Lady Lee updates her best of

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