Ok - The Pool is Closing Soon - Care to Take a Dip? Storytime!

by AK - Jeff 0 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Many, if not most of us here, have parsed our stories, or perhaps posted entire life histories. The therapeutic value of so doing for those leaving a cult cannot be underestimated.

    Many newbies have entered the JWD ranks, but have only sat along the pool, waiting for the right time to enter the water. Unfortunately, at any moment the lifeguard is going to purse his lips around the whistle, sound it, and yell 'Pool Closed - Everyone Out'. Then the valuable stories untold, the histories that may make the difference to others coming out of the Watchtower, or considering such choice, will be forever sealed out of the JWD vault.

    So, whether it is - just dipping in your feet a bit, or sitting on the edge with legs waggling in the water, or a full fledged dive, now is the time. Why put on the suit, sunscreen, unfulfilled?

    "Come on in - The water is fine!"

    We await your splash in the JWD pool. Care to ripple the water here?

    Story thread is open for swimming!


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