Other ExJW Forums?

by WTWizard 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    With the confirmed closing of JWD and the uncertainty of when it is going out, now is a good time to point out that there are other, smaller forums around. But, before joining, there are a few things to factor in. Otherwise, you will find yourself on a forum where you will not have the maximum impact.

    There are some forums that have almost no moderation. If you join one of those, it is very easy for arguments to get out of hand. Without moderation, someone can just sign in and attack every single post without reason and nothing will ever be done. Those forums are for those who have very strong opinions and are willing to have a lot of people bashing them. If you are looking for a civil discussion, and people start flooding the threads with attacks, the impact of such will be lost.

    Some boards have moderation to keep things civil. This one was one of those boards. They have different rules, and I advise reading them before signing up. Different boards have different tolerance levels for such things as foul language, disputing the decisions of moderators, and links to other boards and sites. If you select the wrong board, you might find yourself having to make more adjustments in posting habits and/or getting PMs from the mods about violations of those rules. And there may be different posting limits (or none at all) on different boards.

    Then there are boards specifically for those wishing to remain Christian. Join one of those and start bashing God or denying His existence, and other posters (or the administration) could start admonishing you. These boards are not for atheists or those who feel that God is nothing more than an Almighty Lowlife Scumbag that deserves nothing more than slaps in the face. However, if you wish to remain Christian and to discuss things on how the Washtowel Slaveholdery deviates from the Bible, those might be the place for you.

    I liked that this board has a mix of different religious viewpoints. I see quite a few Christian posts that focus on how the Washtowel Slaveholdery does not follow the Bible, side by side with atheists and antitheists that either deny God altogether or feel that He is a wicked spirit. I hope another board like that comes along.

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