Another dead witness

by outofthebox 2 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • outofthebox

    Chile: Jehovah Witness died after refusing blood transfusion.

    (Article in Spanish)

  • BluesBrother

    I put it through Google translate - make of it what you will :

    Translation: Spanish » English
    Faith was more than the desire for life, because on this occasion, Edith Morales (52) preferred to continue with the principles that guided their spirituality, to the detriment of their own health. The story begins a couple of months ago, when he discovers that a cancer (multiple myeloma with marrow infiltration) attacking his body. At that very moment, is brought by their relatives to the Indisa clinic in the capital of the republic. According to statements by the husband of the woman malograda, Enrique Cantero, the center did not care because what at the right time.

    But we must get itself was the follower of the Lord, who refused to provide such care. She together with members of their group, signed a power of medical care, which stipulated that refused the procedure. Faced with this situation and the normal concern of his spouse, he appealed to justice and appealed for protection before the court of appeal-which was hosted by the court because it was disrupting the right to life and integrity and psychic physics, both constitutionally-guaranteed for Edith. With this measure, intended to restore the rule of law and make the necessary transfusion to raise the level of red blood cells.
    However, the hospital did not carry out such an act and the woman was transferred to Rancagua, express request. Already in the historic city, was interned in Isamédica Clinic, where he reached only one day to survive. According Cantero, the establishment santiaguino, failed to comply with the injunction. As far as studying sue the Jehovah's Witnesses for their involvement in the preparation of the document.

    Why Jehovah's Witnesses reject blood transfusions?

    "At present, most of the blood transfusions are not complete, but one of its main components: 1) red blood cells, 2) white blood cells, 3) platelets or 4) plasma (blood serum), the liquid part. ... The Jehovah's Witnesses maintain that accept both whole blood as any of these four basic components violate God's law "-The Watchtower, June 15, 2000, p. 29
    Members of this belief based their opposition to blood transfusions that these would be contrary to the divine will. Of particular importance to this interpretation takes for them as written in chapter 9 of Genesis, verses 4 and 5 who say (as translation of the Bible used by Jehovah's Witnesses).
    "Only 4 meat with its soul-its blood-should not eat. 5 And besides that, his blood of their souls the claim. From the hand of any living creature's claim, and the hand of man, by the hand of everyone is his brother, claiming the soul of man. "

    Also on the website ofical of Jehovah's Witnesses, there is a long article detailing a host of dangers that would entail transfusions, is more on the site ensures that transfusions have caused more deaths than lives saved.
    "Perhaps people who live in an apartment building from his apartment hear the sound of a shoe that gives the ground in the upstairs, thinking that someone withdrew sleeping, waiting to hear the sound of another shoe to fall. As for the problem of blood, nobody knows how many more of these deadly shoe will fall.
  • outofthebox

    Follow up on the story:

    The husband (no witness) says: "Now I have to learn to live without my wife". And adds "You better know who you open the door to, because you don't know what's in the other side"

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