Need help debunking criticism; any scholars or those with Bible insight?

by The Nothing Man 8 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • The Nothing Man
    The Nothing Man

    I have worked on a piece for a while now, you may have come across several of my questions posed to this board already. This was all for the purpose of debunking some unsubstantial, unorthodox criticisms of the Bible. I am looking for any like minded person, with a little bit of time on their hands, which could help me to debunk some of the unorthodox theories set forth in this criticism.

    Anybody interested in offering kind help please PM me, your help would be appreciated.

  • JCanon

    It's too late now. I've done research for the last 15 years and never before has such an aggressive and pointed campaign to dismiss the Bible as myth has come into place, and I think Jehovah is allowing it.

    He tells his servants not to build their houses on the "sand" but on the "rock mass." The sea represents the watery beliefs of Christendom. More substantiated Bible understanding is with the WTS, but only if you connect that with the Bible. They are like the sand. They get you away from the false teachings of Christendom, but unless your faith and belief is solidly founded on the Bible itself, the coming wave of Satan's propaganda will destroy that house built on sand, built on the Watchtower.

    So just as Jehovah allowed Babylon to destroy Jerusalem and then the Romans and scatter the Jews, so he has abandoned the WTS who will be tossed into the lake of fire along with the 666 Beast.

    You can tell from the new wave of propaganda, though, that they understand what the truth really is, they are just opposed to it. They are opposed to CHRIST.

    The other thing is, that I have my own secret research which I understood when I found it that I would not publish it. You see, when you find the little cracks in the foundation of the old establishment beliefs and expose those cracks, the establishment moves in and seals those cracks. When I started my research, for instance, in the Los Angeles Area, I would visit various libraries and there were only four libraries in the entire LA Library system that had copies of Josephus' works. But after I started discussing Josephus it wasn't long before all copies of Josephus were no longer available. I don't think my research and the removal of Josephus from the libraries was accidental.

    And now, I'm seeing far too much concern when I mention Josephus, with incredibly deft counter-intelligence like by a Christian to try and make it seem I'm MISREADING Josephus or that he is not saying what I claim, which is a blatant desperation. So for SOME REASON, Josephus is a very, very vulnerable reference for some reason. They are trying to close that gap with their best rhetoric ever. I guess maybe Josephus at this point is too hard to suppress. But only someone who understood the threat would bother with this.

    So at this point, the JIOR policy is that we got what we wanted from the libraries when it was available and now we're leaving. The WISE VIRGINS don't give the foolish Virgins their oil. In modern terms the wise virgins told the foolish virgins: "Chile you must be crazy! I ain't giving you a drop of my extra oil I carried all this way, you crazy b---tch! You better run along and get your own oil, I ain't giving you sh--t!" They are such potty mouths, those virgins!! Anyway, that was the "attitude." So the "wise virgins" are going to take their secret oil and run. they have their knowledge and foundation firmly established on the rock mass. They have not built their houses on the sand like so many who will crumble with this coming wave.

    So since I'm not willing to reveal perhaps my most preemptive sources anyway, it's pointless to try to run counter intelligence, since likely what is effective will be deleted or manipulated in some way. Especially now since the Bride Class has been sealed as of May 2008, there is just no need to deal with the darkness.

    Further, this move is to make it more logical to dismiss Christianity, academically since they will have to remove ALL RELIGIONS soon. So the propaganda is in place to destroy the Illuminati and Christianity and all other religions as ideas of men, with lots of history of terroism in the name of religion. You can believe whatever you want in your own head, keep your Bible's and Korans, but no public practice, no public meetings. No charismatic leaders. And maybe even no net discussions.

    The Bible says at one point "knowledge" will be done away with... (1 Cor. 13:8)

    So unless it's just for personal interest, you have a steep road ahead. The British Museum is implicated in consistently hiding the truth and closing the loopholes. Why wouldn't it be under the control of the Illuminati? Disinformation is what BTG does. But now BTG is about to be destroyed, she has already fallen. The road is being prepared to make the Bible,Jesus and all religions academically man made myths. They will accomplish this. But it won't affect those who know better and have irrefutable evidence to the contrary The only issue is, will they share this "extra oil" with the world that gives them the true light. Answer: No.

    The new propaganda now in place has to come out to help dismantle Christianity in the minds of Christians themselves! It will work for some who do not have full faith, and most importantly, it will work legally, on paper, as presented, biased or otherwise, to simply re-think religion entirely and completely not recognize organized religion from a political point of view. So that process is going in the direction of what is supposed to happen in the immediate future. In the meantime, the wise virgins have left the room. They are in a place of safety. This new wave of propaganda will not affect them. But it is already affecting so many without that foundation.

    Have you seen Zeitgeist?

    This is the new wave and direction of attack on the Bible and Christianity. It is effective and it looks good on paper. But it is needed to move toward the NWO. To get people to give up their love of country and religion in order to survive in the global NWO under the UN. We are now at that threshold.

    So the new game now is, if you want to practice your religion, you have to do so in a "secret society" which was set up already before the messiah arrived in 1992. The woman that gives birth to the messiah has a "place prepared for her" in the wilderness by God away from the face of the dragon, meaning his spy organizations cannot see it or infiltrate it, because she exists in a lot of secret societies. When the WTS and other religions meet their demise, it won't affect the secret societies.

    This is a political movement now and there is no intent to truly find "truth" or be influenced by anything. It's a propaganda campaign to simply dismiss the Bible as effectively as possible. So it's pointless.

    Best wishes on your research though. It won't matter, though, if there are no practicing religions in the next couple of years. I doubt they will confiscate all the Bibles but likely they will shut down all the churches and confiscate church property.


  • JCanon

    Did you know there is a solar eclipse occurring in a few days?

    I'm not paying any particular attention to it. I don't think you should either. I wouldn't bother looking up when it occurs, it's nothing, really.

    Have a nice day!!


  • JCanon

    The VAT4956 was created to hide the true dating for the NB Period. The translators, ABRAHAM Sachs and Hermann hunger liked about what was in the text. These are icons in their field yet they lied to cover up what's in this text. Not so much that what is in it is so critical, but the inquiries into WHY other documents were distorted. I reported them to the British Museum who did nothing but be arrogant. So, my assessment is there is no true interest in the TRUTH, or discovering the true timeline.

    TWO areas are avoided in the field of history and astronomy and that is who the pharaoh of the Exodus really was, and what you find at Persepolis. So there is a conscious effort to suppress the truth. The Book of Esther was revised in the 3rd Century AD. Once Esther was married to Artaxerxes, Longimanus and they changed that to Ahasuerus because it contradicted the canonical Ezra/Nehemiah!!! So this is a CONSCIOUS effort to keep the fake timeline in place. Once you know that THEY know it is fake but have decided for politically correct reasons to maintain the lie, then it is pointless to tell them anything because they already know more than you do. They are dishonest and liars and just part of the general system of Satan's propaganda machine. So why debate with them? It's a waste of time, plus they are likely to see what you know and then find some way to suppress it.

    It reminds me of a movie called "Class Action" where a car company had killed some people because of a defective tail light. The company had decided it was cheaper to deal with the deaths and get sued a few times than to retrofit all those cars which would cost a lot more money. An important report was generated by a tester that pointed this out but it was ignored. They had buried the report and all was left were the notes. But the company decided if the got rid of the notes and no one could prove they existed, then that was REALITY in court! There was no PROOF! And you can always challenge the testimony of an eyewitness or impugn a witness skillfully. So once you engage in argumentation, you show your hand and then they know where your strengths and weaknesses are, at which point they will move to dismiss that. That's why it is so obvious Josephus is a difficult issue for them, maybe because he is so well published. All other references are easily suppressed. It is EASY to control information. Even if 15 books are on the shelves that are critical to a topic, if it doesn't show up in the original search, you'll never know about them. So they can control what you LEARN unless you are extremely good and know what to specifically look for.

    There are discussion on topics many have discussed before that I can't even find now. So there is an active campaign to destroy information.

    But God plays the other side of that fence. To snub these manipulators, God has purposely made his word so complex and so secretive, that even though everything is "in plain sight" they can't understand it. They will look but they cannot see....

    ACTS 13:41 ‘Behold it, YOU scorners, and wonder at it, and vanish away, because I am working a work in YOUR days, a work that YOU will by no means believe even if anyone relates it to YOU in detail.’"

    So much like the wise virgins who basically tell the foolish virgin to "Take a hike!" , there is little effort on God's part to try to correct the errors of the wicked. He lets their insistence on darkness take its own course. There is no true effort or INTEREST in correcting them or defeating them. Their fates are sealed already.

    Now I will come out and criticize them, call them names, and expose them as the stupid incompetent liars that they are. But truly a desire to "educate" them to the point of accurate knowlege? Not really. They are exposed to part of what is out there, but not ALL of it. That "extra oil" we keep to ourselves and don't share.

    If you want a starting point, though, start with the Exodus. It occurred in 1386 BCE at the end of the rule of Amenhotep III. Kathleen Kenyon confirms the last occupation of Jericho in the Late Bronze Age was between 1350-1325 BCE, in complete agreement with the Biblical dating. There is RC14 dating from Recho directly aligned with this dating.

    If you wish, you can look at all my videos on the Bible and chronology on YouTube. There is enough information to refute any propaganda and establish the truth.

    Here's a present for you:

    Best regards,


  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Don't leave the door open too wide because JCanon will just force his way in!

  • jgnat

    I don't have LOADS of time, but give me one question at a time and I'll put in my two cents.

  • JCanon
    Don't leave the door open too wide because JCanon will just force his way in!

    What's wrong with John? I find him interesting, informative and well researched. Plus he looks a lot like Raul Julia! What's not to like? Me

  • nvrgnbk

    All scripture is inspired and beneficial...

    If someone can't wrap their head around that, then why bother?

    Our God shall have the last word, brother.

    Death to the blasphemers!

  • Asheron

    Amen! Woe to those that wear pants because thier days are numbered!!!

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