Blu-Ray = VHS --- HD DVD = BetaMax

by Octarine Prince 5 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Octarine Prince
  • zeroday

    You would think these people would have learned the lesson of Beta Max...If you are going to introduce a new technology it has to be a standard everyone will accept or someone is going down hard with a lot of bucks following them...

  • Simon

    The funny thing is that the Blue Ray camp think they have 'won' because HD DVD has 'died'.

    The reality is that neither were going to win as the format for the 21st century is DOWNLOAD.

    What happened to music with MP3s is happening to movies ... it will happen quicker once they get to more sensible prices.

    We stopped buying DVDs years ago ... apart from kids animated ones (like Shrek etc...) they are never watched enough to be worth the price.

    Also, they tout the 'extras' that you will get with Blue Ray ... yeah, like the filler crap they put on DVDs that no one watches or the extra camera angle features of DVDs that are never used?

    While there was demand for DVD an something better than tape I don't think anyone is clamouring for "something slightly better than DVD that will cost me a fortune".

  • zeroday

    Although I do not have a Blu Ray player or movies the advantage of this new technology is HD TV...I do have an HD TV and am stunned at the difference so the draw will be for those who want their DVD's with HD quality now the price just has to come down to reach mass appeal...myself I love the extended cut DVD's with the deleted scenes and background on how the Movie was made and extras etc...

  • Simon

    I don't know if the slight difference in quality between a true HD source and a good upscaling DVD player is enough for people to start investing in a whole new alternate format and paying a big premium for the discs (why are companies so greedy?!).

    You don't need a disc for HD ... a download will do fine.

    Most people don't care as much about quality as cost and convenience. Otherwise cine-film would never have died to the lesser quality of video tape and we'd still be shooting on print film (it's only in the last few years that digital cameras have reached film quality).

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    Sorry Simon but that will not be coming soon. Lots of people still buy DVD and now with the PS3 and other gaming devices serving as media centers going to Blu-Ray it is here to stay. These trends hit the adult biz first and people are still buying up DVD's like they are going out of style with porn. Give it another 7-8 years before downloads really affect the DVD market. If anything streaming will come first.

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