Screw Stereo Sound... I Bought a Quadrophonic 8-track Player!

by Nosferatu 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    Wow, this is REALLY trippy and cool! I'm sitting here listening to Bachman Turner Overdrive in true discreet quadrophonic sound! I finally got myself a player today at a thrift store for $6.

    Any other audiophiles from the 1970s have quad equipment?

  • Sway

    Had one when I was kid. You can still find them in thrift stores, but finding a tape that still works is the hard part.

  • gaiagirl

    How many 8 track titles were ever released in true 4 tracks-per-channel sound, anyway. Come to think of it, that would make the tape a 16 track, not 8 track. I suppose "Quadrophenia" by the Who would be an obvious pick.
    I believe modern "surround sound" technology allows pretty much the same experience, essentially using a different method to reach a similar place.

  • Don Cameron
    Don Cameron

    I bought a JVC Quadraphonic tuner/amplifier about 1968. It has been used almost every day since. And it still sounds great!


  • Nosferatu

    - "finding a tape that still works is the hard part."

    I fix all my own tapes. Finding one in perfect condition is quite rare. I usually have to replace the splice, replace the pressure pads, and sometimes break out a piece of plastic that was *supposed* to prevent tape jamming, but actually made it worse. I can't remember the last time I had an 8-track get eaten on me, and I play them quite regularly.

    - "How many 8 track titles were ever released in true 4 tracks-per-channel sound, anyway."

    Here's a list of all the known ones:

  • FlyingHighNow

    My mom came home from work one day and said her store was having this big electronic sale and with her discount she could save 50 % one something, "What do you want?" We asked for a stereo. She brought home a panasonic quad system. I rememer having Moody Blues On the Thresh hold of a Dream and a Uriah Heep tape. I think it was Demons and Wizards. We hung the speakers in all four corners of my brother's room. It was a huge bedroom and we brought all our friends up there to party.

    What a trippy memory. Andy bought a panasonic 8 track receiver off ebay. We loved the warm sound. We hooked a record phonograph through it and sometimes our DVD player. The sound was so great. But the 8 track part of it broke.

    One thing I didn't like about 8 track tapes is that sometimes, on a long song, the tape would change tracks in the middle of the song. It would continue in the next track, but often times some would be edited out.

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