i cant believe what i thought would happen actually happened..

by chellechelle 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • chellechelle

    ok so today i met my new psychiatrist. my old one retired recently and i hadnt seen him in months anyways.. much to the delight of the "edlers"... but i will discuss that later. I would not mind so much having to go if it werent for the fact that i have to reinterate everything important that ever fappened to me.. great, that is the way to make peoople feel better, bring up all the other horrible shit that happened to them in the past. I actually thought it might be a good idea for me to see her. i have adhd and ocd and with so many things going on in my life i thought maybe talking to her or receiveing some new kind of treatment may help level me off a bit. Well ofcourse i sought the advice of someone i trust before hanf who knew what he was talking about and discussed what might come out of this... and it so happened he was right..


    there are two different kinds of shrinks. those who actually care and try and get you to talk out your problems and give you coping strategies and those who just cant seem to let go of their pen. I dont doubt that i may need something.. i just think there are better ways to go about it. The thing that bothered me the most is she immediately prescribed excactly what i knew i did not want to take.. go figure. so in the end i have decidede to stick with cbt... it worked before it will work again.. although, she is the only shrink i have ever talked to who dicouraged it.

    CBT -cognitive behavioural therapy

    this is therapy based on beliefs values behaviours with the goal of changing negative emotions associated with thoughts, ideas events etc. what you would actually do is differnt person to person but examples include. keeping a diary of thoughts and feelings etc. coming to the realization of facing the things in your life that make you feel a certain way. eg. people or activities you would have normally avoided. thus you try to figure out new way to think and behave..


    anyway, my shrink thinks that this would not work in my case because i dont have the time or some dumb bull such as that.. if you purely read the files they sent over to you, you would know that it does work and has worked because i have done it before. And how do i not hjave the time.. I surf this website a couple of hours every day and basically am just concentrating on myself for the time being.. this website in itself is a great help. infact, me posting anything at all classifies as cbt. so thank you jwd you are very theraputic.

    so anyways now to the real reason why i am posting this here. My thoughts have been dwelling on the truth and all its maladies lately so i thought that in some way this fits. I was always told by the elders in my congregation that i should not see a psychiatrist. they will only tell you to do what the world would do. I.E if you are feeling alone and bored than go out and party.. fornication all the way.. this seemed to be one of their favourite examples. which i found hilarious and utterly daft because at the time i was about 15.. yes, that is what seasoned proffesional would tell a youth.. go out and get drunk/laid. way to use your brains "elders". you are a great role model of wisdom and intelligence for us all to follow.

    I just like to think on the present situation i would be in if i had listened to their so called advice. lets just say there is a great chance i might not be here right now.. fancy that.. the jws being responsible for putting someone in the ground. . it is not unheard of.

    however, what i feel really sad about are all the people who really need the help but cannot get it because of the mind control in this cult. i have read so many accounts of people being molested or worse within the cult but who cannot ask for help for fear of bringing repraoch upon jehovahs name. now that is demented and wrong.. whoever is enforcing those values deserves to be shot. the brain is a very complex thing and people need to learn to understand it. after all, it controls every aspect of our lives so we should all know about it.. we cannot say we know ourselves without understanding how our minds work.

    even if we are not discussing people who are victims of abuse or anything so tragic as that, if people learn to understand why they do something odds are they can change that behaviour if they so desire and are provided with the right assitance. eg. depression, anxiety etc. i do not understand how a "religion" that prides itself on brotherly affection can choose to allow their brothers to continue to hurt without asny real help...

    just something else to think about

  • yknot

    Because if we all got help.....then there would be no one left to follow the FDS.

    Getting help using behavior modification requires us to think for ourselves actively.

    Now while back in the day psych drugs could lead to DP, today many JWs are on mood enhancers. The society doesn't frown or endorse such drugs and for the most part they mask the problem by treating the symptoms. This of course doesn't mean I am anti-prescription but that prescriptions should be part of a larger plan of resolve. They aid the person in transition.

    A corporations sole goal is survival & profit......The WTS is no different, many corporate giants put their bottom line over their employees.

  • oompa

    there is none of your post i did not appreciate.......you said

    just something else to think about

    and mentioned the meds thing....i tried so many for the past three years it is scary.....but am free now....of meds (not that there is anything wrong with that btw) and jw........if feels good for me at this time..............oompa

  • shamus100

    Be very afraid of meds. I was on them, and was a walking zombie. Turns out I needed meds for one reason - I was in a cult. Once I left the cult and weaned myself off the meds many years later, I was free.

    Wish you all the best.

  • Hortensia

    I take the antidepressant and I'm glad of it. It really helps. But that is because of a recent situation. Years ago when I first left the org., I went to a really good psychologist who used the cognitive behavior therapy idea. He had me talking about things, and just kept pointing out the negative messages I was giving myself, echos of my mother and other JWs. And he gave me some simple tools to use when dealing with manipulation. They still work. So I agree with you, although I think it's OK to take the meds if it helps you. I find sedatives and anxiety meds make me a zombie, but Celexa doesn't.

  • Thechickennest

    I am sorry to hear about your struggle. Someone said in this thread "don't need the meds now that I am out of the cult." I aggree with that to a point. I came out of the cult angry. Some meds to alleviate that anger may have preserved a few bridges I burned down and blew up! Anyway, fast forward 13 years later I am starting to have some big troubles. Go to my family practice Doc. She prescribes a brew that put me in drugged haze like no other I have known. I went back to assure her this was not working....she added a couple more pills to the recipe. In a week or two after that I was desperate and drugged. My wife bless her heart got me in to her shrink. The shrink takes me off most all of the previous recipe and checks my thyroid and testerone levels. Thyroid and gonads not working at all. Here the family practice doc about kills me off with psyc meds and the psyc doctor makes me well with what I needed for my physical illness! Don't give up. Just be patient if you don't die first!

  • Peppermint

    Its disturbing how differnt doctors have differnt approaches. I have to visit the hospital every six months to check up on my colitis. I have moved 3 times in the last couple of years so have seen three separate specialists, each one was differnt on drugs, procedures and advice. I have come to the conclusion that I have to be partly responsible for how I manage my treatment and it sounds like you are doing the same.

    "anyway, my shrink thinks that this would not work in my case because i dont have the time or some dumb bull such as that.."

    Sounds more like she did not have the time - prescriptions are quick!

    "I was always told by the elders in my congregation that i should not see a psychiatrist. they will only tell you to do what the world would do"

    Whereas elders would say. "follow us we will make you feel good inside but if you doubt what we say you will have to die!"

  • lisavegas420
    I was always told by the elders in my congregation that i should not see a psychiatrist. they will only tell you to do what the world would do. I.E if you are feeling alone and bored than go out and party.. fornication all the way.. this seemed to be one of their favourite examples. which i found hilarious and utterly daft because at the time i was about 15.. yes, that is what seasoned proffesional would tell a youth.. go out and get drunk/laid. way to use your brains "elders". you are a great role model of wisdom and intelligence for us all to follow.

    I remember my mom telling me to never go to see a psychiatrist...she said.."why do you think they have those couchs in their offices? it's to have sex with their patients" that was enough to scare me off for a long time.

    My doctor was in to the cbt..more so than the drugs...even though I kept asking for the drugs, caused the drugs numbed me from the pain.


  • chellechelle

    lol thats effing crazy.. ( cause they have sex with their patients) my o my

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