Patterson suposse to be around after Armageddon?

by yourmomma 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • yourmomma

    I heard somewhere that the witnesses believe that Patterson is for after Armageddon, is this in print anywhere?


    It`s absolutely true..Armageddon was in 1975..Patterson is still here!..........................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • yourmomma

    oh, i didnt realize. can you tell me where the town is that children are playing with animals and everyone is dressed in meeting clothes while doing yard work? i want to type the address in on mapquest. oh wait, it was invisible wasent it? like Christ returning in 1914? we are actually in the new world people, its just invisible!!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Hey yo'momma,

    I don't recall anything ever in print stating that with any certainty. Some were of the opinion that Hojovah would spare it, there may be suggestions to that effect somewhere in print.

    But then, Hojovah would have to keep a steady supply of electricity, gasoline, diesel, natural gas, paint, food, milk, toilet paper, and tons of other stuff to keep the place running. It is by no means adequately self-sufficient to keep running for an extended period of time. Would Hojovah sustain the Bethel family miraculously with everything they need after the big A? Some would claim that the miraculous manna and sustaining of the Israelites in the wilderness would be a precedent for miraculous help for post-A dubs. However, after A is the Promised Land... that was when the manna stopped, not started. So, Patterson should be receiving miraculous support for Hojovah now, since they've left Egypt (the world alienated from Hojo) and are yet awaiting entry into the land flowing with milk and honey.

    Besides, after A, we'll all be naked, won't even live indoors, and will probably be able to talk to the animals. Who wants to live in some cramped rooms in creapy painted concrete buildings in Patterson? Any honest hearted individual would understand that hell would be more enjoyable.

    B the X

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