Bulgarians and Blood Transfusions

by BabaYaga 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BabaYaga

    Ynot mentioned this in a recent post...


    I had no idea that Bulgarians were allowed blood transfusions. Can someone fill me in? What is the sitch with Bulgarians taking blood with no upheaval?

  • yknot

    In 1994 The WTS application for religious rights in Bulgaria was denied. The application later went on to the European Commission of Human Rights.

    In March 1998 the WTS and the Bulgarian reached an agreement that includes the following on page 2 section A

    "The applicant undertook with regard to it's stance on blood transfusions to draft a statement for inclusion in its statues providing that members should have free choice in the matter for themselves and their children, without any control or sanction on part of the association"

    The Bulgarian Files http://www.ajwrb.org/bulgaria/148b.jpg ....Page 2 with above statement http://www.ajwrb.org/bulgaria/148b.jpg

    Here is another great link to explain the spiral that became the current policy and how the medical community should respond when dealing with JWs. http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1119307

  • BabaYaga


    I keep thinking nothing else can astound me about the Watchtower.

    Thank you so much for this, Ynot.

  • bubble

    I never knew this. I may suggest to my jw family that they emigrate to Bulgaria.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Hopefully the Charities Commission issue in the UK will produce the same outcome for British JW's.

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