Backwards Creationist Thinking

by 2050 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 2050

    Firstly, and most importantly, this is not an attack on creationists. I have many good friends who believe in creation and I respect their views.

    I created this analogy as an expression of my viewpoint. The purpose is to illustrate the faulty reasoning of creationists (my opinion). I wanted to make it as simple as possible for people to understand the flawed reasoning. If you think I am wrong I would love to hear it.

    Note: This analogy does not apply to all creationists.

    An atheist and a creationist are walking along a riverbank

    Creationist: “Look at this! The course of this river has obviously been designed, it’s avoiding every single tree on the riverbank!”

    Atheist: “That’s not true, the river isn’t avoiding anything”.

    Creationist: “But look at it! Can’t you see? It’s swerving to avoid every single plant!”

    Atheist: “This river was not designed, there is overwhelming evidence that it formed by natural processes and the plants are growing on the land that is available to them”.

    Creationist: “Are you trying to tell me that all those plants know where the riverbank is?

    Atheist: “No, I never said that the plants know anything, seeds will germinate when the conditions are right. The soil on the riverbank is nutrient rich and has a good amount of moisture in it”.

    Creationist: (smiling to himself) “So, who planted the seeds on the riverbank for them to germinate in the first place? Did they plant themselves there did they?”

    Atheist: “No, the seeds are dispersed naturally by wind and animals etc”.

    Creationist: “That’s impossible! What are the chances of all these plants coming to the riverbank by accident? The probability is just too low”.

    Atheist: “Actually the probability is so high that it happens all the time. It is to be expected”.

    Creationist: “You are very foolish, why don’t you give credit to the one who designed this river?”

    Atheist: “No one designed the river! Why do you keep saying that when all the evidence is against you?”

    Creationist: (pulls out a book) “Look, it says so right here! First he planted the trees, then he made the river, can you see how he was careful not to disturb the plants?”

    Atheist: “This guy sounds hilarious, can I talk to him?”

    Creationist: (smiling excitedly) “Of course you can! He loves it when people talk to him”.

    Atheist: “Cool, what’s his number?”

    Creationist: “Don’t be silly, he doesn’t have a phone!”.

    Atheist: “Then let’s visit him, where does he live?”

    Creationist: “Don’t be stupid! You can’t visit him, he’s not in the universe”.

    Atheist: “But you said I can talk to him”.

    Creationist: “You can! You can talk to him in your mind and he will hear you”.

    Atheist: (laughing) “You should stay away from the lsd buddy”.

    Creationist: (frowning) “You know, he said there would be people like you, I really hope that someday you will come to believe in him”.

    Atheist: ”Why? What’s the big deal?”

    Creationist: “It is a very important matter, your life depends on it. He’s going to kill all the people who don’t believe in him”.

    Atheist: “What about my children?”

    Creationist: “Bird food”.

    Atheist: “This guy sounds like an evil dictator, is he related to Robert Mugabe?”.

    Creationist: “The designer isn’t evil! He’s the most loving guy ever! If you believe in him he will give you 1 billion dollars!!!

    Atheist: “Sounds like bribery to me”.

    Creationist: “It’s not bribery, it’s his loving kindness!”

    Atheist: “So is that why you can’t afford to pay your rent and fix your car?”

    Creationist: “No silly, he’s going to give it to me after he kills you, then I can have my pet polar bear”.

    Atheist: “You really need to cut back on the lsd man, it messes with your mind”.

    The End

  • Lady Zombie
    Lady Zombie

    I'll drink to that!

  • nicolaou

    Is the 'Designer' Hanks brother?

  • 2050

    Yes, this is Hanks brother. Hank was busy so he let his brother deal with the rivers lol.

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