Can we start our own "encouraging" email?

by Mickey mouse 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I seem to get one every other day doing the rounds in JW land. It's usually some wonderful experience or fact that shows we are "in the truth (TM)". I was thinking, we could do with circulating our own emails which on the face of things fit the same mould but include some facts to make them think.

    For instance: "In 19xx (can't remember year) Judge Rutherford said "Millions now living will never die". It's now xx years since that time. There are now only xx (cite some reliable research here) people who were around then alive today. Armageddon has to be really close!"

    Or something like that. I'm not great with words but some of you are. Can we play around with this idea? Perhaps a few of us could forward it out into JW land and see if it returns with results or comes back soggy? I think it's important that there's no hint of sarcasm or anything that will set off alarm bells straight off.


  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Shameless BTTT because I haven't had a single reply. Just let me know if the idea stinks that much!


  • ninja

    in light of the 1935 change....tell them you perused the 1st september 1951 watchtower article..."hated for his name".... where it tells you hundreds of thousands of christians died for their faith ....... shouldn't the 144,000 have been filled back then?

  • whitman

    I'm intruigued by this proposal.... Unfortunately I am entirely out of the loop when it comes to 'encouraging' J.W emails, I wonder if there is a way that I could somehow get in the loop and be sent J.W spam? Any suggestions on how I could do that?

  • B_Deserter


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