Yet one more life ruined by a cult/Christianity

by dawg 3 Replies latest social current

  • dawg

    In the never ending story of lives ruined by religion/cults, we find yet another life taken by the actions of those who refuse to think... including themselves.

    The fact that many on this site refuse to see reality, that defending any cause, and I mean any cause without reason always leads to weak minded ones committing acts like this. The rule of Christianity is to refuse reason and "just believe"; if you think not, then ask a Christian to defend their reasons for their beliefs... logic will NOT apply, believe me.

    That's why you get many on this site who still believe in talking snakes and two of a kind on a boat,that actually think their defense of this nonsense makes sense, yet still don't understand, that even though they may not commit acts as vile as this, they are still propagating a myth that requires the believers to suspend logic, and then it's a slippery slope for believers, many won't know when to quit and lives will be ruined. I've seen this movie time and again, but you believers want to act like this type of actions (the suspension of logic) isn't bad, wrong, or dangerous to society.

    Christianity, and all religions/philosophies that require the suspension of logic must be defeated, we must use logic to end it. While some Christians are able to keep their "faith" under control, many do not... and it's the suspension of logic that Christianity requires that makes it a problem...

    Religions, all of them, require the nonsense called "faith", and I've not seen one religion that has facts backing it up, that's why we see buildings being blown up, and children dieing like this poor kid.

    And when asked to offer sustained proof for their beliefs, the one asking is always attacked and called names, when in reality, we are asking relevant questions.

    If a believer wants to believe whatever they want, no skin off my back; but you that believe never keep it quiet and to yourselves where it'd do little if any harm... no, you want to effect public policy with this nonsense.

    So, for the record, I'll never stop attacking this crap. It bothers me not what names I'm called... this is the enemy, and those of us that use logic must speak out and end this nonsense. How many lives must be ruined before you guys get this?

    And don't bother to tell me how much good it does... if you can't commit acts that are good without religion, then you have a problem, not us that do good acts without the carrot stick of heaven, or the judgment of God being waved in front of our noses. Good acts are logical and benefit society at large.

  • Hope4Others
    Law allows anyone over 14 to decide their own treatment

    I'm not sure that anyone doubts the wrongness of what religion dictates to its members about common sense medically. What can you do

    if the law states you can make your own decision. I guess partitions to the government....


  • dawg

    Sure, that would be logical (to partition the government)...

  • dawg

    Daniel-P says it all....

    "It seems to me that religion more often than not uses fear to influence people to be good. As in, "love your neighbor or else you won't get into the Kingdom of Heaven" or something like that. However, there are so many other reasons to be, and do, good. Most of these reasons are sociological--things that can be learned through education and experience. Things that impell people to be good because they want to love themselves and be happy. This is, in my opinion, the first thing to accomplish, and the only route that ensures one can be good for others. in other words... (I know I'm rambling here), religion to me seems more like a 12-step club for the downtrodden, sort of like a socialization scheme to rehabilitate the formerly anti-social and self-hating. Forgive me if anything I say offends, just some random thoughts".

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