Upcoming Witless Calendar

by WTWizard 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WTWizard

    OK, so the Grand Boasting Sessions are in progress and will be so until September. For them, that is the big thing that is in front of them.

    Beyond that, there is the beginning of a new circus year. That happens in September, and the pioneers are back out in full force. And new pioneers are supposed to begin their schedule. The Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger urges all to be busy when the new circus year starts.

    October is a traditional pioneer month. While there are only four each of Saturday and Sunday, this represents one last opportunity to pioneer before foul weather sets in (rain in the West, cold elsewhere). It also marks the beginning of the New Waste of Paper Distribution Campaign--one crapt replacing another.

    November continues this Waste of Paper Distribution Campaign. That month also has five full weekends, making it a prime pioneer target for the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger.

    Somewhere in here is the Big (or Great) Boasting Session. Which will depend on your congregation. But either way, these have a way of finding their way in fall.

    Beyond that, the holidays. Christmas is prime real estate for children to pioneer, since they have that week off school. And people are home on Christmas, so that is a prime opportunity to disrupt their merriment and bug them into joining the cancer.

    Then we have the Supreme Boasting Session season, aka the Reject Jesus Party. March through May are traditional pioneer months, and there is another Waste of Paper Distribution Campaign for that one (that is becoming normal). The Reject Jesus Party for 2009 is April 9, 2009. Of course, that is going to be surrounded by pioneering.

    In the midst of that is the Big or Great Boasting Session. Those who had the Big Boasting Session in the fall will have the Great Boasting Session now; those who had the Great Boasting Session in fall have the Big Boasting Session now. Plus, even with the new hounder-hounder arrangement (the more localized hounder-hounders that are always ready to hound the hounders without warning), there is going to be more pressure for everyone to pioneer anyways.

    Beyond that, we are right back to the Grand Boasting Sessions. Another Waste of Paper Distribution Campaign for this one (unlike 2008). And so the merry-go-round makes another trip around the calendar, with absolutely nothing exciting or fulfilling.

  • shamus100

    Sounds like plenty of opportunities of persons of low-self esteem to engage in the world wide preaching work!

    Translation: Get out there you worthless bastards - faith is dependent on you, faith is works, and if faith lacks works, then IT'S ALWAYS YOUR FAULT NO MATTER WHAT. You worthless jackasses.

    Either way, it's all the same.

  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open

    Don't you so miss it all?

  • doinmypart

    In August or September dubs will get more info on the new CBS+TMS+SM, as the Oct Kingdom Ministry is shipped to congregations. In the past the Oct KM has contained the next year's TMS schedule. Expect a letter to All Congregations and/or BOE around that same time.

  • GoingGoingGone
  • GoingGoingGone

    WTWizard, just have to take this opportunity to tell you that the names you've come up with for the "trademarked" (lol) WT terms always crack me up! My personal favorite: "Washtowel Society"! A close second: "Waste of Paper Distribution Campaign"! "Crapt" is pretty good, too!

    Ok, I've had my morning giggle..... on to the next thread!



  • Alexia

    Not to mention a big waste of gas in those huge “service vehicles”.

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