reporting abuse/charity rules

by nelly136 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • nelly136

    for years the borg has sneaked round reporting abuse in places where its not a 'legal requirement'

    do the new charity rules mean that to not inform them of breaches could lose charity status?

    Good practice has always been that trustees should inform the Commission if any serious incident has arisen within their charity that could significantly harm the charity’s property, work, beneficiaries or reputation.

    Charity trustees should report serious incidents to the Commission as soon as they are aware of them. Trustees can report serious incidents to the Commission in one of the following ways:

  • by contacting Charity Commission Direct in writing at PO Box 1227, Liverpool, L69 3UG;
  • by calling 0845 300 0218; or
  • by email.
  • Trustees of charities with an income over £25,000 must, as part of the charity’s Annual return, declare that there are no serious incidents or other matters which they should have brought to our attention but have not. Failure to provide this confirmation would be a breach of legal requirements. some interesting report situations listed on here.

    i still think the charity rules have more to do with the book studys in private homes being curtailed in january than theyre being given credit for.

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