Bush hates Kids learning and Kids hate supper!

by Sparkplug 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sparkplug


    Story two and three on the wacked out day from Hades!

    I am babysitting today and it goes a little something like this:

    We decide as a collective rainbow tribe that we are going swimming. So we all take off to the bank first where I am going to get some money for this little adventure. The bank is in the market and the idea was to grab some cash, some drinks, some fruit and get to the pool.

    Well, at the cash getting place, I sit down and grab the smallest. Putting him on my lap. I am in swimsuit but, what can I say, we are going swimming and this will be short. The youngest decides to let the banker know that his Xbox got left at MoMo's and now there is no game. But he speaks as if he has a mouthful of marbles and is a lot on the bossy side. The cashier is taken aback, but goes along with it until clear as a bell the youngest says to him, "You need to give us some money now!" Well it was funny, but bossy and it brought the bank to a screaching halt for a moment.

    So the we go to get water and after dickering with the oldest if this is distilled water, vitamin water, does it contain aspertaine, and how good is this brand, we decide half will have vitamin water...half will have waterand proceed to the fruit aisle. There we get several fruits. For heaven forbid anyone agrees to the same fruit, but they all had to have organic.

    So at the cashiers the oldest pipes up and lets the kind lady who told her what a smart girl she was know that "All I llearned I learned from Sesame Street and President Bush does not want to pay for public broadcasting anymore! That is why they have to have all those fundraisers and beg for money! What kind of president does not like Sesame Street? Can you believe he wants to take all kids show away?" The lady laughs and asked her now where will you learn now? The response was, "Well I guess I have to pay attention at school and stuff like that now!"

    I about died laughing myself.

    So then we swim and later I make chicken fajitas. An old co--worker of mine stopped and borrowed some movies and ate with us. After we all had gotten to a fill point, child number three of four chokes on a piece of food and barfs all over his dinner! I have never seeen a table of 7 clear so fast. Not a plate left in site. Everyone scraped plates, wiped the table and not a word was spoken about dessert. Rather funny if I must say!

    So now, all are in bed, all 6 kids are in the house and 4 are working on sleeping. I am burnt a little and well, exhausted and tickled does not cover it all! It was a funny day! I had to share! I think all I learn sometimes, I learn from kids who learn it all from Sesame Street! Dang Bush!

  • dinah


    A day in the life.......so good you can see humor.

    Hee Hee, maybe Bush is teaching kids to pay attention in school, so they don't turn out stooooopid or get left behind

  • Sparkplug


    I think this gal I was with today would eat him for lunch. She if so damn funny. She reads at a 5th or 6th grade level in the 2nd grade. she also kicks my oldest sons bumm at the rubic cube I can scramble them up and then pick a color any color or say all and she gets it done in no time at all each time before him and he is fast. It really is funny. The only thing that gets me is she is still a kid and to hear her say with conviction and sounding so smart and angry that all she learned, she learned from Sesame Street!! Almost yelling. She just needed a soapbox. She had her hands on her hips and everything. It was the best.

    All the while my youngest is still going on about organic foods and the middle boy is practicing hi karate as if on crack behind the 'special' sackboy who is quite angry that anyone is cracking on Bush! Still the littlest bossy pants is demanding..not asking, but demanding that he have his way, Now! As I proceeded to threaten no swimming on the youngest ones bumm and try not to laugh too hard at the cardiac arrest the bagman was getting over Bush comments and grab hold of ol' Bruce Lee, I did have to tell my youngest that no, I did not know if organic foods gave you healthier farts. I assume they do, but was any fart really that unhealthy? It was expelling gasses and no, please do not do it now, for she needs to be a lady and wait until we get to a proper place to bomb us all! See they have this thing the oldest taught them all to do which is to scrouch down and slap the hands upon the knees like a drum roll and then point said hands like a gun until they pop off a few good stinkers. I cannot stand this and they know it. So they save them up till I am at my computer and all of them come and bomb me if they can. It is really gross and stinky and I did not want this to start in the grocery store though I would like to think I have trained her better. Somedays she does lose all commom sense.


    As I walked out of the store Smartypants had to stop and tell the veggie lady about Bush too. And I heard the cashiers aisle giggle. I just smiled and kept walking! Ahh meeting people and making friends!

  • dinah

    hmmmm, out the mouth of babes.............................


    Decki..Girl,thats just gross..LOL!!...Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • dinah

    Look at the picture. Bush is pretending he can read. Or feigning interest......whatever

  • Sparkplug

    Dinah, I think you are right, out of the mouths of babe. I fI got you right, They all had it covered. Our food, our brains, pollution, politics, education and nerve gas and hand to hand combat all in one goof troop! Yes that pic of Bush is great. Wonder if it is real. But it is hard to even question it.

    Outlaw. Gas was gross, dinner was gross, you should see when the boys suprised my oldest teen girl with the naked man dance! WOW that was an unexpected suprise for a new babysitter!! LMAO!


    ................LOL!!...................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

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