Does anyone know the 2008 Resolutions?

by yknot 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • yknot

    Our DC isn't for another couple of months.....(I have agreed to two days at the pool only)

    I was reviewing the 2006 resolutions (family discussion) in regards to number 5 & 6.

    and was hopeful that someone who has attended could scan them in or post them in this thread.



  • blondie

    I don't think they have resolutions every year.

  • yknot

    Thank You Blondie

  • Robert7

    Oh my gosh this reminds me of a resolution a few years ago...

    The speaker was speaking in a pep-talk style fashion saying "will we avoid fornication", and the crowd shouted "yes", then again, and again.

    I was actually embarrassed. It was very weird. Plus really, do you think it actually made anyone stop committing the deed in the future?

  • M.J.


    That's a bit like the "pep rally" atmosphere at assemblies for the International Church of Christ. Except they'd be rallying for going out and getting more recruits. Kind of like some kind of sales rally.

    Who knows, maybe there are resolutions coming which will be so earth shattering as to be a 2nd fulfillment of the 1920s trumpet blasts :0

  • JK666

    I remember the 1963 resolution, as a boy, about never having anything to do with the filthy United Nations. We all know how that one turned out!


  • WTWizard

    They don't have resolutions every year. And, from what I have seen posted so far on these Grand Boasting Sessions, I have yet to see anything.

    They are usually something that every witless knows already. Something like avoiding fornication (which I would never agree to adopting), that Babylon the Great is repulsive, that we abstain from the world, and the like. Often, there is a hidden point buried in the wording that most of them (and even many of us) will miss, only to have it come back a few years later to haunt them.

    This is the resolution they passed in 2006: . Notice how they buried the resolution against entertainment in the wording so it would be extremely difficult for anyone that is not fully integrated in thinking to realize, until the washtowel against "valueless things" reiterates it by pegging "excess fun" with those "valueless things".

  • Prov1320

    I don't get it. What was the point of resolutions?

    Aren't they just a rehash of doctrines that were supposedly accepted when a JW was baptised?

    And where do they get these resolutions from? Who comes up with them?

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