Who really are the Apostates?

by Honesty 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Honesty

    Another discussion board has a thread that discusses the 'Faithful and Discreet Slave' and asks some very probing questions of the Jehovah's Witnesses who post on that board:


    A couple of days ago, several Jehovah's Witnesses who had previously posted replies began to post comments that they weren't going to respond to questions presented by the thread's originator because he left Jehovah and is an apostate.

    Other posters who are non-JW have been responding to the JW's and asking them some very disturbing questions regarding paryer and shunning.

    It appears to me that the real apostates on that thread are not the former JW's or never have been JW's.

  • Jeremy C
    Jeremy C

    When an organization is viewed as being the sole exclusive agent of God; and is the repository of all spiritual truths, it is very easy to understand this aposta-villification that JWs indulge in. With this organizational concept firmly planted in one’s thinking; Jehovah God and the Watchtower organization are almost indistinguishable. Therefore, the logical conclusion that they reach about one who has left the organization; is that they have left God.

    An ex-JW friend of mine commented that even though JWs denounce the Trinity doctrine in Christendom, they have a trinity concept of their own. Instead of believing in the God, Son, Holy Spirit; the Jehovah’s Witnesses believe in Jehovah, Jesus, and the Faithful Slave Class. What about the Holy Spirit?

    There is no need for individual Witnesses to have the Holy Spirit. They have the "Spirit-Directed Organization which operates almost as a broker between them and the Holy Spirit. By their compliance with the organizational leadership; they show that they have God’s spirit. A very convoluted concept which appears to be logical on the surface.

    All of this is very convenient in that it allows the dutiful and devoted organization member to demonize former members without having to engage in any serious scrutiny or questioning of their faith themselves.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead


    Its such a blast to read the JW responses on that board. The thread poster asks genuine questions, and then merely cites the WT pubs. For this he is labeled an apostate. The JWs are so full of BS I can't believe that I was so self-righteously full of so much BS before too.....


  • WTWizard

    The apostates are actually the ones that splintered into the witlesses. In fact, the first apostates were the ones that messed up the Bible, hand-picking the books to fit their doctrines and leaving everything else out. This means the Catholic church. And the witlesses are doing exactly the same thing.

  • Superfine Apostate
    Superfine Apostate

    i am the apostate of course. and superfine too.

  • bob1999

    It depends on who's definition of "Apostate" you're using.

    The WTS will tell you an apostate is anyone who was once a Witness but now is not.

    The Bible meaning of apostate is one who once knew and loved God but has now turned away from God.

    Many ex-witnesses have not turned away from God and therefore are not apostate.

  • dawg

    Lord, that was interesting... the lady just kept saying John as an apostate and then ignored all logic, and she kept com paring going against the org as the same as going against God, doesn't that make her a blasphemer to god since she's comparing man made org to god himself?

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