Change every 25 years so that you would not know them -

by james_woods 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • james_woods

    I was reading some of the assembly threads - on food service (gone), seating (practically assigned - if just to clean the area), walking around is condemned (it was practically a tradition in my day), motels assigned by list, food on outside or brought inside under control, dress and name tags under control, etc. etc. etc. I would not know an assembly now, last one being in 1977 or 1978 for me. But - isn't this kind of change a perennial thing for them, at least every 25 years or so?

    1900 - CTR is the faithful slave. End will come in 1914, 1874 was just symbolic coming.

    1925 - Rutherford is defacto faithful slave. CTR somewhat discredited - most weird diet & medicine stuff on way out. All witnesses are annointed. Congregations about to be assimilated, if you follow much of CTR, you are "evil slave class". BTW, this is also the year the end is coming. 1914 was an invisible presence.

    1950 - Well, Rutherford was a hopeless old drunk, but we don't talk about it much. Almost all witnesses are now Great Crowd. Vaccinations are wrong, blood transfusions kind of OK, but this will change momentarily. Knorr & Franz leading us into the great advancement of the truth - our Golden Age of Business. End is close but no date set just now.

    1975 - OK. This one really is the date. The end of 6000 years of mans time on earth. The beginning of the 1000 year rule of Christ. BTW, blood is now totally verboten, Vaccinations are OK, and Tobacco products are demonism in dried leaf form.

    2000 - Well. That "Generation" stuff we told you about didn't mean that. We were an NGO for a while, but only to use the library at the U.N. Governing Body is now all powerful, we will control all thoughts from our central control position. On blood, fractions may be OK, maybe not. College degree may be OK, maybe not...forget food at assemblies - too much trouble in these last days. Knorr age of business printing at end - we don't sell food or magazines any more.

    2025 - ?

  • WTWizard

    Who knows? College is just about forbidden already, and they are cracking down on using independent sources to research Bible doctrines or Washtowel doctrines. They have denounced MySpace. They are going to bash entertainment, relaxation, sex, materialism, independent Bible research, the other religions, and college in the upcoming Washtowel study.

    The Washtowel Slaveholdery of 2025 could easily resemble an "Invisible Fencing" type compound. There will be no visible compound, but everyone will be on an extremely short leash. Computers that can go online will be banned, unless they are set up to only go onto the official Washtowel site. The only software that will be allowed will be Washtowel software. There will only be 225 songs one can listen to, because they are too damn lazy to compose new ones and they do not want people listening to worldly music. All entertainment will be banned. People will be spending close to (or more than) 20 hours a day, every day, in theocraptic activity. And, anyone that disobeys will be electronically recaptured and beaten back into submission.

    That is, assuming they haven't succeeded in reaching Critical Mass. If that happens, they might just go ahead and start the Second Dark Ages worldwide.

  • yknot

    Oct 2025- TED IS DEAD.

    World is now subdivided into unions. The WTS is a NGO to each of them.

    The UN is used as it is today.

    Numbers of professed anointed have skyrocketed in years and this too is a sign of the end times, but partakers are clamoring to be heard in the organization. So change is needed to hush them and put them in their proper place.

    Message is still same and will remain so until 2035.

    Blood is not mentioned as much anymore but is still a doctrine.

    Have "Mormonized" some in creating a fuller JW community "experience".

    Bringing back the "wholesale" club

    Strong encouragment to support Brother (Sister) Owned business.

    Approved College Degrees

    Suggested Donations (Cash, services, goods etc) based on College Degrees.

    DC are full package now ......entire weekend is planned from travel, meals, hotel, and excursion. Talks are video conferenced to several DCs proclaiming the 'unity' of the arrangement. Baptismal Canadites are brought to the stage a camera pans all, they are like rock stars for the day. FS stressed, be not part of the world and living fuller in the organized JW community as provided by the FDS are main themes. Shunning and apostates are still the same.

    Public talks & WT Study are now video conferenced from Patterson with several KHs participating together. Each KH is assigned answers. Privilege of answering is based on FS hours. Similar streamlining are also happening in the CBS.

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