Got my wisdom teeth out two weeks ago

by jstalin 9 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jstalin

    .... and it still hurts. I woke up last night at 1am and couldn't get back to sleep until I took more ibuprofin. I was hoping the pain would be gone by now. One side still hurts while the other is much better.

    Oh, and now I have little caverns in the back of my mouth where my wisdom teeth used to be. I hope those close up and heal... I'm getting all kinds of food stuck back there.

  • sacolton

    Feeling dumber without wisdom teeth?

  • snowbird

    Ouch!!! You poor darling.

    I'm 54 and mine need to come out. I'm too much of a wuss to get it done.


    Addendum: A tea bag does good as a soother.

  • jamiebowers

    You may want to have a check up with your dentist or oral surgeon. I don't think it should still be painful after two weeks--maybe infection has set in. I had two impacted wisdom teeth surgically removed, and although one half of my face was bruised for a few weeks, the pain went away within about 5 days.

  • jstalin

    Feeling painful-ier

  • jstalin
    You may want to have a check up with your dentist or oral surgeon. I don't think it should still be painful after two weeks--maybe infection has set in. I had two impacted wisdom teeth surgically removed, and although one half of my face was bruised for a few weeks, the pain went away within about 5 days.

    The pain is definitely a lot better than it was... so I think I will give it another couple of days and see if it improves...

  • TinyDancer124

    You should have it checked out to make sure you don't have dry socket or whatever it's called. Btw, the "caverns" do close up. ;)

  • babygirl75

    It took mine a good two to three weeks to not hurt any longer. I was paranoid about getting infections, but I kept my mouth flushed out to prevent food particles to get trapped back there. After the pain went away, I still had to be careful about getting food stuck back there for probably another month. It takes a long time! Mine were cut out. My husband just had two of his pulled instead of cut out and he hasn't had any problems!

  • jstalin

    I did do a follow up visit last week Friday and the doctor just gave me another prescription for vicodin and ibuprofin and said wait it out. He said that if the pain became unbearable even with the pain killers, to call back. He also gave me one of those syringe thingies to flush out the caverns. I'm trying very hard to keep things clean.

  • SnakesInTheTower



    vicodin is my friend...

    I had all 4 wisdom teeth out a few years ago...2 were partially impacted.... they knocked me completely out for that way was I going to be awake... turns out I had knee imprints on my chest from the dentist trying to get those 2 bad ones out... I had the same issue with the food getting stuck...keep flushing it out... and be glad you havent had the dry socket...or maybe that is what the problem...check out this link for dry socket treatments and symptoms

    I just found out that I will likely have to have a porcelain crown put on a molar... about $900....we are waiting to see if the insurance takes care of the customary 50% of that... I broke off a filling and all that is left is the front of the tooth.... so I get to have fun the next few weeks.... thankfully no pain...I am taking generic Aleve (anti-imflammatory and pain reliever)...I have vicodin on standby....

    hope your situation gets better...sometimes time is the only healing factor...

    Snakes ()

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