Poetry JW style. Yuk!

by NikL 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • NikL

    Here is an example of what passes for thought provoking poetry among the dubs. (Try not to hurl)...
    Of all my years as a Witness, the times were not always good.
    Too many mistakes were being made, the brothers not doing what they should.

    As I look back now there are times, I can recall, when I did not even look forward to going to the Kingdom Hall.

    The brothers showed no love.
    They didn't seem to care.
    The elders were unyielding, demanding and unfair.

    Meetings were dull and boring; field service was a chore.
    There wasn't much of a "Pioneer spirit,"
    while going from door to door.

    It would not get any better, as I hoped it would.
    I knew the day was coming when I would leave Jehovah's house for good.

    But happily, it's so different now, Jehovah has been so kind.
    He has allowed me a wonderful congregation to find.

    The spirit is so strong here.
    The brothers really care.
    I couldn't be more happy if I were anywhere!

    Life in Jehovah's organization is just as I would dream, but don't get me wrong; things are not as they would seem.

    You see, I'm part of the same congregation, and I go to the same Hall.
    I fellowship with the same brothers and sisters, same elder body and all.

    No, the changes that were made are not as they seem, for all the changes made were changes in ME.

    Now I love the whole brotherhood -- No other in the world to find, Instead of being critical, I try to be loving, forgiving, and kind.

    I realize we are all imperfect, it's plain now for me to see.
    While I was learning to put up with my brothers, they were putting up with me!

    We are all part of Jehovah's one flock, and that's where I want to be.
    Why, if my brothers are good enough for Jehovah, then they're good enough for me.

  • professor

    Pioneer Spirit!!!!!

    I've got spirit
    Yes I do!
    I've got spirit
    How 'bout YOU!

  • AngelofMuZiC


    My Regards,

  • Pathofthorns

    Well there's another Witness on the way out IMO. It all starts with a "bad" congregation, then you move into this hall that "has God's spirit". Eventually though, they all turn out to be the same and there is only one way out- not going at all.


  • ashitaka


    soooooo.....I don't know...regal.

    Makes me want to have a bake sale for God.


  • NameWithheld

    I was wondering is anyone else had noticed that cycle that happens with so many JWs.

    Starts with poor Mr and Ms depressed dub unhappy in local cong. They see all the hypocracy, lies, cheating, lack of love, clicks, backbiting, etc going on, but still "wait on Jehovah" to fix everything. Finally things get bad enough that they a) switch halls if in a city w/ multiple halls, or b) move to a new place.

    New place = the typical love bombing that often occurs to new ones. However, months or years go by and the veils are lifted on the true conditions in the new hall - it's the same as the last one! So they eventually a) switch halls if in a city w/ multiple halls, or b) move to a new place.

    Repeat as often as needed.

  • momoftwo

    In the words of my friends Wayne and Garth,

    "If you're going to spew, spew into this."



  • Farkel

    Yikes! What kind of poetic meter was that? "Iambic schleptameter?"


    "When in doubt, duck!"

  • ashitaka

    Just as race car driving should not be tried, unless by a professional, poetry should ONLY be tried by poets.


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