JW's and Military Service

by Wordly Andre 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    When I was a kid my parents would try and scare me, that if I didn't get baptized and I turned 18 I could get drafted and go to war.

    Funny thing is, when I was a kid I used to want to join the military I wanted to either join the Navy or Air Force, when ever my parents would try and scare me about the whole "they can draft you and the elder would be helpless to try and keep you out of the military because you're not baptized" I would just be like well thats the chance I'll have to take.

    Fast forward, I just turned 17, I walked down to the Armed Services Recruiting center in my town, I signed up to take my ASVAB test, did very well on it, went home and told my parents of my plans they all freaked out, however I didn't do so well on my health exam, My mom said Jehovah was saving me.

    I wasn't able to join up, it was something I wanted to do since I was a kid.

    Anyone else that grew up in the ORG also want to join the military?

  • megawatt

    I was around your age when I went to the local recruiter, having a strong desire to join ever since I was a kid. Believe this, they didn't want me at the time cause I didn't have a college education or a specialized skill. I guess under the Clinton era things were different. Well, whatyada going to do? Sorry, being 18-19, I was looking for a sense of direction (my first real attempt to leave the org) what specialized skill or education do they expect someone my age to have? Now they just picking up anybody to fill in the ranks along with big bonuses...

    So now I'm a licensed electrician and technician working on detriot diesel/mtu engines worth up $500,000. Don't beat yourself up or feel down about the mess, even though it's wasn't my first choice for a career and I'm glad where it's taken me. At 17, you've got plenty of time to figure out something else...

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