Why we need a new system of things.

by greenhornet 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • greenhornet

    http://www.storyofstuff.com/ I found this interesting and true.

  • greenhornet

    Did you guys notice that I use a buzz word sentence as the topic. If I said this topic in another forum the forum readers would say what the H*** is he talking about. But yet every one here knows what I mean. (I hope)

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Yeah, I guess for most people here, the word Armageddon has lost it's "buzz". After so many false alarms ala WTBTS, it's also lost it's ability to shock and awe!


  • greenhornet

    Yes cog, so very true. But anyway go to that web site it is interesting.

  • yknot


    Wow a new video that illustrates what my parents have said my entire life (1973-present).

    No there was never a point where I would be allowed to be materialistic and wasteful....nope none!....

    they are gonna love this when I email a link!

    The juice packs ........my kids don't even ask for these because of the multiple lectures given by both of my parents (divorced 75').

    Shop local, shop the perimeter of the store, what is in your garden this year, are you making use of the worm tea, are your using the lye soap byproduct of biodiesel to keep pest from your garden? Why not build a mini mill for 4-H!

    I know it means well ....but......AAAACCCCKKKK....... I bet I was and now my kids are the only ones with "pet worms".

    I don't know how much more 'green' I can go without turning into Kermit......

    It is as much pressure in my life as going out in FS is to salvation in JWland.

    ....of course for those who are wasteful.....it is good advice.

  • S3RAPH1M

    Implementing Jacque Fresco's designs would solve those problems. http://www.thevenusproject.com/

  • WTWizard

    We can have a new system of things, not of God's doing, and that would solve our problems. In fact, most humans would be allowed in without having to change everything they are doing.

    This is how that would work. Currently, we have too many laws that just inhibit. Businesses have laws that are designed to ensnare them, set up to protect the giants that are sitting on corrupt profits. The last thing they want is for someone to come in and put them out of business by doing what they are doing, but doing it honestly. So they harass new companies out of business to prevent this. Have you ever noticed no new food, car, oil/energy, medicine, or other supply producers coming out lately?

    Those laws would be stricken. Those creating and enforcing them (unelected bureaucrats often armed with weapons to seize competition's goods) would be cut off totally from funding. That move would save huge amounts of tax money (even worse than the Iraq war). Entitlements would be cut off at the same time, forcing able-bodied people to work. Those who cannot find work would have to create work and market it competitively. We would soon see a flood of new products that are vastly superior to current items (if they want to survive, they have to outperform on quality).

    Eventually, this would spread to all areas of life. People want to live forever. So medicine would rapidly progress in that direction. Without a FDA, there would be no corruption or inhibition. Yes, you would see quacks. Those quacks would soon be put out of business by honest competition, and would soon find their reputations soured. The free market would punish them far better than any regulatory agencies, and hence there would be no incentive for people to pull off scams and sell bogus products. What's left is people honestly working toward solving problems. Diseases would all be cured. The energy crisis would be solved as energy prices plummet. Food production would rapidly improve, and the quality of that food would stop going down and start going up.

    The end result is that people would live forever with perfect medical care. We would have food and other necessities and luxuries for everyone. Everyone would have stimulating jobs where you actually get to use your brain. There would be no more crimes (no more neediness, no more kick crimes, no more hatred and envy). Drugs, though legalized, would soon stop being used as people get their highs on the job, with the job itself. And soon society would rid itself of imperfections. To cap it off, the one law would prohibit initiatory force, threat of force, or fraud and any new laws would have to pass that one law.

    And no more Washtowel Slaveholdery.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    That was very informative. Thanx for sharing.

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