Saw an Elder @ the Van Halen concert last night!

by WingCommander 8 Replies latest jw experiences

  • WingCommander

    Sunday, the Giant Center – Hershey PA.

    Before the show, I of course ducked into the men’s room so that I wouldn’t have to during the show. (Which was awesome by the way) Anyway, as I am standing in line waiting my turn, whom do I see turn to leave? Why, a former elder from my congregation! I say former, as there is no way this guy is still in “The Lie”. As a matter of fact, I think he’s DF’d. When the first X-men movie came out, I saw him in the movie theater. I knew then something was up. This guy is weird…. he always looks down, as he probably has low self-esteem. I mean, he’s probably late 30’s and he married a girl that was right out of high school. Yuck! – for her! Apparently that didn’t last…..maybe he had DWS (Dinky Wang Syndrome) because the girl (whom was quite bright) divorced his sorry ass.

    It’s not like I give a crap, but it’s just the very idea of seeing someone whom you knew was so high and mighty….at a seemingly “normal” worldly function. I immediately thought of, “Oh, how the mighty have fallen!”

    Did I mention Van Halen was awesome? Yeah, Diamond David Lee Roth kicks ass! I’ve seen them 3 times before, but this was by far the best. If you like them at all, you gotta see them in concert.

    - Wing Commander

  • mouthy

    he always looks down, as he probably has low self-esteem.

    Did you not feel sorry for him? maybe he needs a friend? If you heard he killed himself do you think it would bother you? I ask this because as I explained before on this board ,I refused to go into a neighbours house when I was a JW didnt want to give the apearance of evil as "MOTHER" had ordered us. The guy went in his house & hung himself. I will never forget it ,or forgive myself for that unkind gesture

  • tnangel73

    Funny side note here. A CO that was assigned to our area twice was a former high school English teacher. Eddie Van Halen was one of his students. He told Eddie he would never amount to anything. LOL.

  • JK666


    I guess it all depends on the history with the individual involved. There are some elders that I would welcome with open arms on the outside, and others that I would stand in line to pi$$ on their grave. It all is dependant on their "fruitages."

    I guess I am not as forgiving as you are.

    BTW, I would love to see VH again!


  • Quirky1

    I wouldn't try to hide from any elder or any JW for that matter no matter what the circumstances. BTW - I haven't seen VH but I have seen Van Hagar on more than one occasion. Excellent! I still go see Sammy as often as I can.

  • iceguy

    I saw Van Halens first concert reunion with David Lee Roth in Charlotte NC last year. It was an amazing show and the best time I had in a very long time. I think that sometimes former elders do carry some guilt for their position they had when they were a jw and it must be difficult for them to try and connect with others who are also ex jw's

  • Ima Apostate
    Ima Apostate

    Maybe he'd bought the Elder life hook, line and sinker and feels like an ass for believing the lie... I can't imagine converting as an adult and then having to figure out that I was decieved. All I'm saying is you don't know what his background is, and maybe he would apologize for being an ass if you gave him a chance.

    Ex-JWs can be some of the coolest people. I feel sort of sorry for the guy.

  • Dorktacular

    WingCommander, my wife and I saw Van Halen almost 2 weeks ago! I thought I saw a few witnesses I used to know. I wonder if Van Halen is on the approved list of entertainment options at the local Kingdom Hall now? LOL

    I wasn't allowed to see Van Halen (or anybody else for that matter) when I was a JW kid, so two Sundays ago was my first time seeing Van Halen. Maybe the JWs I saw there were in the same situation as I am? Maybe they left the org? I don't know; I didn't ask them.

    If I were God, I'd like Van Halen. He's awesome. He should write kingdom melodies.

  • BreakingAway

    Believe it or not..former (or current)elders are people too ! I know we might have come across like robots sometimes, but trust me, we really are human ! Some elders are Jerks and some are Good guys.Elders are very aware that some feel they're just out to get someone.Some, like myself, worked very hard to "look after the flock".I can remember getting calls late at night because someone needed to talk and a bit of consolation and they knew I would provide a kind and unjudgmental listening ear.

    After finding out the truth about things for which you sacrificed so much, and a lifestyle and teachings you were encouraged to enforce, it can mostly definitely make you feel like you want to walk around with your head down ! I personally gave up the youngest and potentially greatest years of my life to reach out, to become a shepherd and to help others, and that's how I lived my life.The friends would walk right up and tell me how much they respected me and how I "wasn't like the others". I wound up feeling duped and betrayed after giving up career opportunities and relationships.It makes you wonder if anyone really cared about what you did to genuinely try to help.That type of thing can weigh on you.Just giving a smile to someone who feels like that can work wonders

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