did the letter re: BS change come directly from GB?

by chickpea 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • chickpea

    my husband got cornered at the store yesterday by a JW, trying to reinfect him with the doom and gloom outlook, using the catch phrases like "urgency" and "stream of time"....

    this fellow made the comment that in his 37 yrs as a JW, only twice has he seen the GB as the direct author of a letter that was directed to the R&F

    does anyone recall if the letter re: the new BS arrangement was directly from the GB? ( i DID try going back thru the threads but holy caca, there were myriads upon myriads!)

    at any rate, this "bro" asked the hub if he could give him a ride to the meeting, the hub declined, the bro said " i am gonna keep asking"... so i told the hub a good reply to the next "invitiation" would be to say " be sure you count the time"

  • CaptainSchmideo

    Yes it was. The reader of the letter that Sunday started to say "Christian Congregation of" but then quickly corrected himself with "Governing Body". The letterhead also showed that it was from them.

    I don't think it really is THAT significant, other than it reflects the split in duties. The GB handles the "spiritual" side of things, while the "Christian Congregation" handles the corporate side of things, ie:convention hotel info, contribution request, insurance for the CO, etc.

  • 10p
    this fellow made the comment that in his 37 yrs as a JW, only twice has he seen the GB as the direct author of a letter that was directed to the R&F

    Just goes to show how aloof and distant they are. Even Jesus had dinner with his followers, walked on the road with them etc. The GB can only write to their followers twice in 37 years!

  • Blueblades

    The GB will not write or make a move without consulting "LEGAL". So, legal actually wrote the letter concerning the book study change, however, GB. signed it, actually, rubber stamped it.


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