Watchtower 2005 makes candidates for resurrection clear -- or does it?

by Fatfreek 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Fatfreek

    In the following questions from Readers section, which I quote in its entirety, I call your attention to two paragraphs.

    Although not the subject of the question, the first paragraph of interest addresses, again, the destiny of those ancient Sodomites. Recall, the Society, in its history, has had 6 different positions: yes, no, yes, no, yes, no.

    This position in the paragraph colored red confirms its position of NO, there will be no resurrection for those folks.

    The other paragraph , the concluding one, appears to leave things open.

    *** The Watchtower, 2005, 7/15 p. 31, Questions From Readers ***
    Since King Solomon of ancient Israel in his old age turned unfaithful to God, can we conclude that he will not be resurrected?—1 Kings 11:3-9.

    While the Bible lists by name some men and women of faith who will no doubt be resurrected, it does not specifically comment on the resurrection prospects of every single individual it names. (Hebrews 11:1-40) In the case of Solomon, however, we can get an idea of God’s judgment by comparing what happened to him at death with what happened to certain faithful ones when they died.

    The Scriptures speak of only two possibilities for the dead— the temporary state of nonexistenceand the state of eternal death. Those who are judged unworthy of a resurrection are pitched into “Gehenna,” or “the lake of fire.” (Matthew 5:22; Mark 9:47, 48; Revelation 20:14) Among these would be the first human pair, Adam and Eve, the betrayer Judas Iscariot, and certain ones who died when God executed judgment upon them, such as the people in Noah’s day and the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah. At death, those who will be favored with a resurrection go to the common grave of mankind—Sheol, or Hades. Speaking of their future, the Bible states: “The sea gave up those dead in it, and death and Hades gave up those dead in them, and they were judged individually according to their deeds.”—Revelation 20:13.

    The faithful ones referred to in Hebrews chapter 11, then, are in Sheol, or Hades, awaiting the resurrection. Among these are God’s loyal servants Abraham, Moses, and David. Now consider how the Bible speaks of them with regard to their dying. “As for you,” Jehovah told Abraham, “you will go to your forefathers in peace; you will be buried at a good old age.” (Genesis 15:15) Jehovah said to Moses: “Look! You are lying down with your forefathers.” (Deuteronomy 31:16) Concerning Solomon’s father, David, the Bible says: “David lay down with his forefathers and was buried in the City of David.” (1 Kings 2:10) Thus, the expression ‘lying down with one’s forefathers’ is another way of saying that the person went to Sheol.

    What happened to Solomon when he died? The Bible answers: “The days that Solomon had reigned in Jerusalem over all Israel were forty years. Then Solomon lay down with his forefathers, and was buried in the City of David his father.” (1 Kings 11:42, 43) Hence, it seems reasonable to conclude that Solomon is in Sheol, or Hades, from which he will be resurrected.

    This conclusion implies that the possibility of being resurrected is open to others concerning whom the Scriptures specifically say, ‘they lay down with their forefathers.’ In fact, many of the kings who succeeded Solomon, though unfaithful, are spoken of in this way. This is not inconceivable, since “there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.” (Acts 24:15) Of course, only after “all those in the memorial tombs” are raised will we know for a certainty who has been favored with a resurrection. (John 5:28, 29) So rather than be dogmatic about the resurrection of any particular individual of old, we wait, trusting in Jehovah’s perfect decision.


    See pages 30-1 of the June 1, 1988, issue of The Watchtower.

    As I understand their position here, the main topic in answer to the question, deals with those who are destined for the temporary state of nonexistence -- Sheol or Hades. Only as a side issue did they mention the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah.

    The Watchtower summary paragraph -- again, as I understand it -- addresses only the ones who are candidates for resurrection, not those candidates for Gehenna.

    I bring this up because of separate conversations I've had with two JW's who, of course, spoke under condition of anonymity. I specifically asked them (separately) about the Society's position on the Sodomites -- are they candidates for resurrection? Their answers? They both referred me to the summary paragraph above, rather than be dogmatic about the resurrection of any particular individual of old, we wait, trusting in Jehovah’s perfect decision.

    I referred them to the paragraph earlier and the state on eternal death . "Nope, we just don't know about this issue for sure and we're told to "wait on Jehovah"."

    I referred them to the WT Footnote reference to see that June 1, 1988 Watchtower (no resurrection for Sodomites). "I see what you're saying but I'll wait on Jehovah."

    What's your take on all this?

    Len Miller

  • 10p

    If they were discussing it with fellow witnesses, they would say "no, no resurrection."

    I've noticed the JWs seem to be getting better and better at their 'outside face' - the extremely diplomatic, politically correct, technically correct terminology they use with outsiders and especially apostates, and their real beliefs that they only discuss amongst themselves.

    They learn it from their 'mother'.

  • WTWizard

    They can't make up their minds. They claim certain groups will have at least some resurrected, then they go back and deny it. Besides, I wouldn't count on anyone getting resurrected by that Almighty Tyrant.

  • IKnowNothing

    Jehovah will be so busy on Judgment Day throwing all the disfellowshipped JWs into the lake of fire that he may forget the Sodomites altogether:

    Wherever anyone does not take you in or listen to your words, on going out of that house or that city shake the dust off your feet. Truly I say to you, it will be more endurable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that city. — Matthew 10:14-15

    New Light! The lake of fire has a shallow and a deep end! If you get tossed into the shallow end, you can wade ashore and not be destroyed.

    On a more serious note, the above citation from Matthew suggests some from Sodom and Gomorrah will survive Judgment Day. How else could they endure it?

  • VoidEater

    Weasels. They can hardly condemn anyone any more without admitting "no one knows".

    Kinda goes along with the need to adapt to New Light every so often.

    I'm not sure if I'm the leaven or the dough any more!

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