The Word

by R.Crusoe 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • R.Crusoe

    'In the beginning was the word.........'

    I ask myself if I understand what 'word' means in such a context?

    If I stand with a female in a room the silent stillness can become enchanting.

    The same in a wood or anywhere in nature.

    The word is in my being and temporarilly encased within my form (body) until this form dissolves and it moves onward.

    The word is more than speech and essentially is not speech. Speech is only a tool for the expression of that which is life in the same way my form is only a tool for the expression of life within.

    The word of life is in all life and speaks without speech.

    It does not even require literature to attain it!

  • R.Crusoe

    My irony is that I discovered the word!

    And it was without The Bible.

    In fact the Bible was a self violent and destructive ego of mine!

    How sweet.

  • Hope4Others

    I happy that your searching lately has brought you to a good place,

    Have missed you, what have you been up to? I ordered that book "cult mind control" I can't wait till it gets here.



  • hamilcarr

    The word is more than speech and essentially is not speech. Speech is only a tool for the expression of that which is life in the same way my form is only a tool for the expression of life within.

    The word of life is in all life and speaks without speech.

    It does not even require literature to attain it!

    Do you mean this?

  • hamilcarr

    Pope Benedict XVI recently (2005) identified Roman Catholicism (or even christianity in general) as the religion of the Word or 'Logos'. According to Joseph Ratzinger, that's something christians should keep in mind when dealing with secularists who claim the rational comes from the irrational (let's say the scientific explanation):

    Christianity must always remember that it is the religion of the "Logos." It is faith in the "Creator Spiritus," in the Creator Spirit, from which proceeds everything that exists. Today, this should be precisely its philosophical strength, in so far as the problem is whether the world comes from the irrational, and reason is not, therefore, other than a "sub-product," on occasion even harmful of its development or whether the world comes from reason, and is, as a consequence, its criterion and goal. The Christian faith inclines toward this second thesis, thus having, from the purely philosophical point of view, really good cards to play, despite the fact that many today consider only the first thesis as the only modern and rational one par excellence. However, a reason that springs from the irrational, and that is, in the final analysis, itself irrational, does not constitute a solution for our problems. Only creative reason, which in the crucified God is manifested as love, can really show us the way. In the so necessary dialogue between secularists and Catholics, we Christians must be very careful to remain faithful to this fundamental line: to live a faith that comes from the "Logos," from creative reason, and that, because of this, is also open to all that is truly rational.

  • jwblog

    And the Word was God

    And the Light was God

    Metaphors, Personification, Similies etc. etc

    In like manner, in parallel to, so on so forth.

    Jesus did not exist until he was born from the womb of Mary, true or false?

    This is new light as a witness to the Light not directly from the Light.

    Through the Word of God all things came into existance. God put forth Words in the beginning in Law and it came to be.......

  • Narkissos

    "Word" is a strange word for "wordless"...

    From the opposite perspective:

  • R.Crusoe

    Hamilcar it is in part what you refer to. It is what I spotted in Wicca and panentheism(traced from ancient Earth based cultures and belief) and Buddhism coupled with 'The New Earth' debate via Oprah and Eckhart. At present I perceive there are no clearer perspectives on life within each human than through these collective eyes. And they seek to embrace all humanity with a search for ones origin and immortal life-force. Our bodies are a mere carrier of life for a flicker in the endlessness of time.

    The inner sanctum of your soul speaks to life at times in ways that words can only attempt to emulate. That speak is the word I speak of. The formless and colourless and pure energy in all life.

    Too much pain and ego is attached, like barnacles to a ships hull, to every individual in humanity. The pain of history. The pain of inequality. The quest for justice. The quest for revenge. The ambition for tomorrow at the ongoing expense of others. The losing of every second that passes preoccupied with the pull of the future. Our reluctances to be strong and live in submission to our inner self. Our repeated confusions about how to exist in a world obssessed by it and branding it 'normal'.

    Our fighting and striving after such 'pain bodies' and 'egos' hold our lifes 'being' hostage. The god (too many connotations are wrapped around god that it's a bad choice of word- maybe 'essence' or 'being') within us is being bullied by anger, ambition, fear and embarassment on a wave of peer pressure to blend in with lthose around us or be crushed by them. How to be you and survive has never been so widely frought with difficulty for the masses.

    We each are preoccupied with preventing ourselves from surfacing.

    What colour is the being in each of us. I say it is the colour of life and is obscured by all manner of circumstantial pollution we each are born into.

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