Support & Advice for existing or EX Jehovah's Witnesses in the UK

by Honesty 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • Honesty

    National Charity launches Support & Advice for existing or EX Jehovah's Witnesses in the UK News Flash as can be found here at

    The charity...National Society for Children and Family Contact (NSCFC) now extends its Free and Confidential service in support of the long-term effects and sufferings of existing and ex-Jehovah's Witnesses.

    An increasingly concerning cause of Family Breakdown of an insidious nature is the result of the affiliation of at least one Family Member to this powerfully controlling religious Organisation.

    1/ Any religious organisation/cult that separates Family Members using Mind Control and Fear must be challenged in the interest of The Children, Family Life and Society.

    2/ Dictating an individual's right to contact with family members, especially The Children, clearly threatens the bonds, unity and natural love within the family Unit.

    3/ The resulting Damage is so great that many adults, teenagers and children continue to feel the painful effects even after successfully pulling away from such an Organisation.

    For this reason we have brought onboard ex members all of whom have vast experience in how best to face, overcome and survive this brainwashing experience which can and does include child abuse and other unlawful acts the like of which is covered up by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society (WTBT) Headquarter secrecy dictates to the exclusion of the police and local authorities and well documented as such worldwide.

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