I got my discharge from the Army National Guard today

by Bring_the_Light 7 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Bring_the_Light

    Wow, getting mail from the Department of the Army is a scary moment nowadays. It wasn't certified mail, but I still had to stop and breathe before I could open it. Turns out its just my HONORABLE DISCHARGE papers and certificate. I checked it 3 times, says Honorable and says Discharge, the real deal.

    Fuck being "no part of this world", fuck self-righteous neanterthalic logic, fuck JW's whose existence is a beautiful illustration of the power of freedom in this country but whose mindset is a horrid blasphemy against all of the people who have suffered to bring this free world about (a real "new system" in history). If no man or woman ever took up arms to establish freedom of religion, freedom of thought, freedom of association, and freedom of speech, every JW on earth would be a loyal member of some state religion, they would be dead, or they would be something just as bad. Fuck YOU, for viewing those who would fight to pursue these ideals as some kind of sinner. The best men and women I have ever had the privalege to meet, were/are in the military.

    I hated every moment in uniform, I just plain don't have the personality for it. I wouldn't give it back for anything in the world. I understand the human condition 1000 times more than if I had never done it. If I'm called up off of Inactive Ready Reserve (IRR), between now and 2010 I'll go and serve and suffer with pride.

    No matter what your opinion of events nowadays, something you can believe without delusion is "Bad men prevail ONLY when good men do nothing". I believe that with every cell in my body.


    Essayons! (Let us Try!) - motto of the US Army Corps of Engineers

  • Hortensia

    congratulations! What are you going to do now?

  • FlyingHighNow

    The military certainly is not for the faint of heart for sure. Not that you are faint of heart. I'm glad you have what you want. Hell? We don't need a hell. We got life right here on earth at the mercy of human beings, what do we need with a hell from a god? God knows man's inhumanity to man is sufficient enough.

  • Honesty

    We appreciate your sacrifice, Bring_The_Light

    I echo your sentiments about the judgemental JW's.

  • chickpea

    i remember my discharge ( also honorable) arriving, whole bag of mixed emotions..... toughest job ya love to hate...... some really really fine people and some of the most major @-holes walking the planet! just like real life! i actually loved it, but my life was changing.... marriage, kids were coming so i wanted to change that aspect of life to one more stable in terms of living circumstances

    congrats on your service....you are forever a part of the history of the US military! "this we'll defend"

  • Superfine Apostate
    Superfine Apostate

    as if military fights for freedom. military fights for whatever it's told to fight for.

  • milligal

    I'm happy for you! My hubby is active duty with a year to go and not sure whether to re-up or not.

    I swear he's feels exactly the way you do. He hates it and loves it all at the same time. The only thing worse than war is a man not willing to fight for anything (loosely quoted from John Stuart mills).

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Thank you for your service. HOOAH!

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