I went to a political rally tonight

by B_Deserter 8 Replies latest jw experiences

  • B_Deserter

    It was the Obama rally where John Edwards announced his endorsement for Obama. I couldn't help but think about how the witnesses always brag about how orderly and clean they are when they get together, not like those heathens in the world. Yet, everyone was respectful and cooperative. No one was arguing, pushing or shoving. No one was littering. It was an invigorating experience I'll never forget.

  • FlyingHighNow

    B, do you live in Grand Rapids?

  • Ima Apostate
    Ima Apostate

    I'm so jealous!!! YAY Obama on the Edwards nomination.

  • SacrificialLoon

    I watched that on CNN, and I waved. Did you see me? TV works the other way around too right?

    Seriously though that's cool. A little peice of history.

  • logic&reason

    Wait a minute... I was watching it on MSNBC. What a coincidence!

  • B_Deserter

    Yes I live in GR

  • berylblue


  • nvrgnbk

    Glad you got to experience that, B_D.

    It feels good to participate in the world we live in, doesn't it?

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    I saw Obama when he came to Pittsburgh, what a crowd!

    I saw this post on youtube most likely made by a JW that I think sums up what you are talking about:

    If ur daughter is raped if ur car is stolen if you are assaulted and robbed, conned or slandered if you are a victim of a terrorist attack, you can be sure of one thing the perp was not a JW because they are taught to be peace loving, law abiding citizens by means of their bible study program.occasionally an unrepentant evil doer emerges,when exposed they r expelled to keep the congregation clean. Some repent and are welcomed back. others like shasbo become bitter n wage a smear campaign.

    What absurdity! Yet this is the mentality of those who are inside the Watchtower system.

    There is absolutely no data whatsoever that a JW can point to in order to prove that members of their faith have better behavior than people outside of it. Their literature tells them that they are better, so the believe it to be so.

    Perceptions are not reality! When will they learn?

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