"Socially and Intellectually Incestuous"

by Bring_the_Light 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Bring_the_Light

    Well, I've been thinking deep and hard about "what is wrong" with the Borg. Lots of people believe shit that ain't true, thats not it. Lots of people pick and choose their friends and associates based on who is like them, that's not it. Every club of any nature favors its members and also makes rules for "being a member", that's not it.

    However, we all know there is something horribly, uniquely wrong with Jehovah's Witnesses. What is it?

    So far I've come up with the phrase "Socially and Intellectually Incestuous", help me figure out what I mean by that...


  • Shawn10538

    Very intriguing thoughts. I'll give it a jab.
    I would characterize that phrase as another way of saying "Masturbatory." In other words, they get off on themselves and one another. They are an insulated society, they literally marry within their social families. They are ego driven, and they cannot conceive of the concept of self-criticism, or even self-analysis. Their ministry is a masturbation, and has nothing to do with actually converting people. Converting people is just a side benefit. Furthermore, their ministry is a reaction to cognitive dissonance. However, I do not feel that JWs are any more unique than any other cult out there, including Mormons.

  • nelly136

    one of those places you're encouraged to marry brothers and sisters...does that count?

  • Hope4Others

    Its your question, if you don't know, how the heck am I going to help you.



  • WTWizard

    It is the lack of choice. If you are in the world and willingly believe something that is not right, you are free to change your belief at any time. No one is going to hound you just because you later see things in a new way, and change your beliefs or start doing more research. In the world, if you choose friends that are like you, nothing is preventing you from accepting someone that is not quite like you. That could be to balance your total outlook. Most legitimate clubs will not shun you for believing something else or for having outside association. And you are free to leave the club at will, without your family and friends totally cutting you off (and usually there is the option of rejoining the club, without a period of probation). What is uniquely wrong with the witlesses, and all other cults, is that they force you to believe what the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger wants you to. You could prove that something is wrong with their teaching, and there is strong sanction for going against it. You will be cut off from family and friends. They will do their utmost to create hardships for you if you do not believe in what they do. And they try to prevent outside association.

  • daniel-p

    Awesome phrase. Wish I would have come up with that. To me, it refers to the invasion of a person's spirituality. Why does everyone's relationship with their God have to be a communal thing? This has broader implications to all evangelical Christianity, of course, and not just the JWs. I think this is one of the first signifiers that a particular religion demands more of a person than just a set of beliefs. It must be a social network where everyone keeps everyone else in line. Leftover from the time when religion was needed to keep order among tribes.

  • Bring_the_Light

    Yes, Yes, Yes.

    Masturbatory. Indeed. What I was trying to get at must be the way SOO much is shut down and suppressed, relationships are so fake, truth telling is feared and punished, and it all swirls around keeping "YOUR OWN" delusions. It isn't about being a community, it isn't about sharing, its about a safe environment for all out Spiritual Masturbation.

    I've noticed that even when I was in you couldn't "talk" about faith with JW's. You could take turns spouting catchphrases and "encouraging" eachother, you could not at any time actually get one to have a conversation with you. Its like everyone knows that is crap, they're masturbating quietly in the corner and they're afraid that someone will walk in and catch them.

    So lonely and so sad, even amongst the "friends".

    Thanks! You've shown me more Light.


  • Thechickennest

    Incest, masturbation....don't forget bondage. Once tied in we are tormented for the duration. If we manage to escape the intitial imprisonment bonds, in another respect we are tied up again for a different kind of treatment. I have to wonder if we ever really get loose. Light, you really are on to something here and it's really scarey! Our captors are evil, evil, evil.

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