Nails through Jesus wrists or palms?

by WTLies 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTLies

    Has anyone noticed, in the recent drawings (1990) of Jesus on the stake by the Watchtower that the nails are through his wrists instead of through his hands? I did read something on that but I cant find where I read it, they said that his hands could not support the weight of his body so they now show the nails in his wrists. If you know where this explanation can be found please let me know. Here are the places where you can see the new drawings:

    March 15, 1999 Watchtower cover page as well as page 8
    Knowledge book pg 67 just to name a few.

    Old picture of nails through his palms:
    My book of bible stories: Story 101
    Liveforever page 142

    formerly a member of a Non-Prophet

  • bj

    Hello William, and welcome to this board. If you're really interested in this subject, I recommend the following books:

    CRUCIFICTION - Dr. Martin Hengel (Fortress press).
    THE CROSS AND THE SHROULD - Dr. Frederick Zugibe (Angelus)

    WATCHTOWER STAKE VS CHRISTIAN CROSS - Carolyne Pemberton ( Kingdom Ministries)

    All the best in your research,


  • edward gentry
    edward gentry

    damn, that would hurt.
    Guess the witnesses have the truth on everything,against all "popular wisdom"the only ones who know he was killed on a stake, now he was nailed thru the wrist.Glad God is clarifying these things up for our edification.
    Dont you think the "passion" is overrated?
    How much sacrifice can be involved on a personal level if you know you are a)going to recieve a kingship for dying b)absolutely, positively know youre god?
    Under such circumstances I would be willing to die for the whole world.
    Not such a thing worthy of WORSHIP.
    personally think mr spocks sacrifice in "Khan"was greater.
    What thinkest YOU ?

    live long, prosper.

  • Dogpatch

    Part of an article at:

    "Two Questions About Crucifixion" reads the title of a fascinating article in the April 1989 issue of Bible Review. Below it were two subheadings, "Does the Victim Die of Asphyxiation," and "Would Nails in the Hand Hold the Weight of the Body?"

    In it the author discredits the previous theory of crucifixion as formulated by A. A. LeBec in 1925 and given widespread publicity by Dr. Pierre Barbet from 1953 on, that (1) Jesus died of asphyxiation due to being unable to raise himself up to breathe, and (2) the nails through his hands were actually through his wrists (assuming the palms of the hands could not hold the body weight). It now appears that the evidence does not support Barbet's theory.

    Medical research for this project was done by Frederick T. Zugibe, who is adjunct associate professor of pathology at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, as well as author of The Cross and the Shroud--A Medical Examiner Investigates the Crucifixion. Zugibe demonstrates quite conclusively that:

    (1) Jesus did not die of asphyxiation, but rather from shock and trauma. Additionally, an impaled man with arms stretched straight over his head (as the Watchtower depicts) would suffocate in minutes, whereas a man with hands outstretched to the side at an angle of 60 70 degrees (as on a cross) could live for hours without suffocating.

    (2) There are two locations in the PALM of each HAND that will allow a nail to penetrate and carry the full body weight up to several hundred pounds, making the "wrist theory" unnecessary to explain how Christ's arms were attached to the cross.

    Years ago, LeBec and Barbet had concluded that a person hung by his arms overhead would suffocate in a manner of minutes, due to the inability of the lungs to expand and contract in such a position. Additionally, an Austrian radiologist, Hermann Moedder, experimented with medical students in the 40's, hanging them by their wrists with their hands directly above their heads (much like the Watchtower pictures Jesus on a stake). In a few minutes, the students became pale, their lung capacity dropped from 5.2 to 1.5 liters, blood pressure decreased and the pulse rate increased. Moedder concluded that inability to breathe would occur in about six minutes if they were not allowed to stand and rest.

    The same would apply to Christ, IF he were suspended on a stake as the Watchtower depicts him, hung from hands bound directly overhead. He would have suffocated in a matter of minutes.

    Zugibe, however, discovered that if students were hung by hands outstretched to the side at 60-70 degrees, they would have no trouble breathing for hours on end. Since Luke 23:44 and Matthew 27:45,46 show that Christ was on the cross for about three hours, the evidence points again to death on a traditional cross.

    Zugibe carried out his experiments using a number of volunteers who were willing to try hanging from a cross with several variations, none requiring the mutilation of their flesh or bodily damage. Special leather gloves were used to attach the hands to the crossbeam. To demonstrate that a nail through the hand could hold several hundred pounds, Zugibe, in another experiment, used the severed arms of fresh cadavers, nailing them through either of two locations in the palm of the hands (see illustration) and suspending weights from the arms (a rather gruesome experiment, to say the least!).

    If Jesus did not die of asphyxiation, then what was the cause of his death? Let's review the events of the day Christ died.

    First, Jesus experienced loss in blood volume both from perspiration and from the sweating of blood, due to his mental anguish. After being arrested, he was scourged with a leather whip that had metal weights or bone chips at the ends. As the tips penetrated the skin, the nerves, muscles and skin were traumatized. Exhaustion with shivering, severe sweating, and seizures would follow. Much body fluid would be lost. Even before being hung on the cross, Jesus may have already entered a state of shock, due to the scourging, the irritation of the nerves of the scalp due to the crown of thorns, and by being struck several times. Finally, he was nailed to the cross by large, square iron nails driven through both hands, as well as his feet. The damage to the nerves brought incredible pain, adding to the shock and loss of water. Over a period of three hours, every slight move would have brought excruciating pain. Death would result from extreme shock due to a combination of exhaustion, pain and loss of blood.

  • JT

    This is why i have concluded that the bible is just a nice book written by some dudes with too much time on their hands

    this back to what i stated in my first post on this site

    After 30yrs of arguing "Did Jesus die on a Lightpole or Telephone Pole"

    i find it a waste of time and really sad-

    would not it have so simple for the bible to simply say if it was thru the hands or wrist? and as a result here we have just anothe example of not being clear on what is what and the poor believers be it jw or anyone else must guess at how he died

    for a book like the bible to be considered the BOOK OF INSTRUCTIONS

    god could have gotten his book of instruction a little clearer

    i mean i have read Microsoft MCSE books that were easier to understand the bible and no ones life was said to be hanging in the balance if they got it wrong


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