Tsunami Contributions

by DisconnectingDrone 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • DisconnectingDrone

    One of the things that woke me up to the hypocrisy was when the tsunami struck in 2004. The elders used a box for a tsunami fund, we raised around £750, the elders put a vote out to use some of the congregations funds and we increased this to nearly 3 times this amount.
    The congregation got a letter thanking us for the donation but requesting that for future donations we do not stipulate where the money should be channeled too (I assume the elders requested this go to those affected by the tsunami) as "they have already set aside money for this disaster relief and this makes things very difficult for them and all future relief money should goto the WWF".
    At the end of the day they would not have got this money if their was no disaster-but that stank to me, I realized I was part of a greedy corporate empire that wanted money and didn't give a toss about the people affected by this tsunami.

  • Hope4Others
    I realized I was part of a greedy corporate empire that wanted money and didn't give a toss about the people affected by this tsunami.

    Kind of makes you sick doesn't it, In this way by not specifying they (WT) can do what they want with your money.



  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    I remember that to.

    They hype a disaster to get you to give money.

    Then they say "Oh we have that problem covered, but go ahead and give us money to use elsewhere".

    Makes you feel a little duped doesn't it?

    I use to work for a small non-profit organizasion. It was great when people made donations to the general fund because the bookkeeping was easier. But we never solicited for funds for a particular cause and then tell the donors to just make it out to cash. I mean really, what would people think?

  • JK666

    The main reason is that there might have only been a handfull of JW's in the affected area, and they sure didn't want to help the "worldly" people in distress. So much for it being a charitible organization!


  • Hortensia

    that is awful, isn't it? Especially as you know they probably didn't spend anything on tsunami relief, except maybe to loan local congregations money to repair their KHs. Money makes the world go 'round, money makes the world go 'round...money money money money money money money (I'm picturing Joel Grey strutting his stuff in front of a KH with all the transvestite chorus behind him!)

  • WTWizard

    I bet they wanted the money into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund instead of helping those victims of Katrina or the tsunami. Ditto the terror attack on 9/11.

    Give us the money, don't tell us where to spend it, and don't even think of giving to a worldly charity like the Red Cross or the Salvation Army. They will not spend it protecting pedophiles or attempting to start the Second Dark Ages.

  • doofdaddy

    I did some work in Sri Lanka for a non profit org after the tsunami and I was gobsmacked that all he major "charities" had done nothing except suck in billions through ad campaigns! The people were just ruined by having their hopes raised and nothing....

    The kids couldn't even get to school in our area as there was no money for replacing desks and other equipment and no money for wages. What little that got through had been stashed by corrupt government officials. Sorry to tell you (all the people who gave so freely) this.

    As far as jws giving practical help..

    What is there to say?

  • zensim

    I remember sending money to the org after Tsunami and it was one of the last acts I did as a witness. I was already having my severe doubts, but at the time of the Tsunami, wanting to do 'something' - and still being limited mentally in thinking of options, I sent some money to the org with directions for it to go to the Tsunami victims. I still remember that I had my reservations, something intuitively told me not to, but the well grooved programming overrode me. I too was dismayed with the letter I received back, when I realised my money would be spent however they deemed suitable.

    I also remember having a conversation at that time with some other dubs. We were at a bbq and talking about charities and giving, two were with my line of thinking (eg one rare person - whom I actually didn't like very much - actually sponsored a child) re giving to charities - but all the rest had the attitude of "What's the point? Jehovah's going to fix it all anyway". I felt sick. It also dovetailed my already established disgust re "Let's not bother to recycle/care for the earth, we are going to fix it all up in the new system". Grrrrrrrrr

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