A story

by Tammie 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tammie

    I am not trying to push my religious ideas on any person in here. Some of you belive in the rapture, and others don't. This is just a story, some will say yes it will happen this way, and others will say this is just a fictious story. I don't mean to offen any former JW's. But what do you think of this story. The names are fictional.

    There was a young couple who was raised all their lives as Jehovah's Witnesses. They was at least third genteration JW's on both sides. Their family members are very much in to the religion. They always said that the Watchtower was the true religion, and every thing else was on the devil's side. When Armageddon rolls around, every one not on the Watchtower's side was going to die. And Armageddon is right around the corner, has been that way for over a 100 years. But Ruth and Dan, the young couple, they got to thinking about what the JW's are always preaching. So they started to do their own recearch and bible study. Not on what the JW's always taught, but with questions, their own. One thing led to another, and Ruth and Dan, both decided that the Watchtower was not in aproval of God. They learned of so many things, that other former JW's learned. They talk to each other, and decided that they could no longer be part of an orgization that did not have God's blessing. Well it ended up that they dissocated at the same time. That was when the fan hit the ceiling. Their JW relatives got very angery at Ruth and Dan leaving. They was told the most hateful things that could be said. These was just some of things that was said to them:
    You are going to be very miserable.
    Your marrage will fall apart.
    I am no longer your parent, you are no longer my child.
    I will shun you, until you come back to Jehovah's orgization.
    You are dead to me, because you will die at Armageddon.
    Even some of the JW relatives even cussed at the young couple. But that did not deter them. Yes they was very sad that their relatives now turned their back on them. But they were not detered. They found other people who was going through what was going through. With this group of former JW's they was able to heal from the pains that was caused. Every one was serving God the way they knew how, and that was in many different branches of religion. With Ruth and Dan, they decided that it would be best for them to stay in the Christian religion. They ended up getting saved, and baptised in a church. After that point in their lives things kept getting better. Their marrage got stronger, and they got happer. Their children was very happy living this new life. All through this they never gave up contact with all their friends who was former JW's. They even gained new ones through the years. Then one day they just dissappeared. Many people dissappeared with out a trace. They was raptured up to heaven. Things was really crazy. You could just picture the mess things was in.

    Now back to the JW relatives. They was really angry and hurt when Ruth and Dan turned their backs on their religion. But they stuck to their guns. They knew with out a doubt that Armageddon was comming, and they did not want to get caught on the wrong side. So they did as they was told by the G.B. They shunned the young couple. They knew that Ruth and Dan would die, now. So they went on with their lives as normal. Meetings, FS, Assemblies, ect. They was just waiting for the day Jehovah would turn his anger on all those worldly people, and those who turned their back on his orgization. Every so often Ruth and Dan would try to make contact with their relatives, and to warn them that they was on the wrong tract. But they never bother to open any letters, phone calls- they hung up on them.

    It was time to get up and get ready for field service. The JW relatives did this every day, on Saturday morning. They felt it was very important to warn people that God would some day kill every one that was not a JW. They never used those words, but that was what they thought in their minds. They all got in their cars and proceeded to head to the kingdom hall. But before they got there, they came across a big accident. So they had to stop, and check out what was going on. They noticed that there was people that was missing. They saw clothes, and personal belongings on the ground It was bad. It was like that every where. The national guard ended up comming out. They told every one who was still there, that they needed to go home. Till they could straighten out this mess. The JW family went home, turned on the TV, and made some phone to other in their religion. The youngest member of the family yelled for everyone to come into the living room. It was news on all the local stations. This problem was not just in their town, but all over the world. For some odd reason, the mother decieded to check on Ruth. She did not know why. It was the mother's instent that moved her. She drove over to Ruth's home. A strange feeling was over comming her. She knocked on the door. The door was not latched, so she walked in. Before this day, which Ruth knew would happen. She was hoping to reach out to her relatives. So she left a letter behind for this day. Her mom read it and this was what it said:

    To all my relatives who are Jehovah's Witnesses,
    If you are reading this letter, then Dan, the children, and my-self have disappeared without a trace. And so have a lot of other people disappeared too. If I figured this all out, then this is probabley what you have just witnessed. You, more and likely went out to take care of your daily duties, being it your congeration meetings, field service, work, or what ever. But on the way, you noticed something a bit strange. There are cars on the road-crashed, and no drivers. Clothing on the ground, but no people. But yet there are still some who are walking around. You classify them either "worldy", or your fellow Jehovah's Witnesses. From this point onward, I will just use the abbreviation JW.
    I remember how you use to scoff at the little old lady next door, because of her belief in the rapture. You would say how she is just in the grave, because she was not a JW. But mom, she is in heaven and so is my family and I.
    I had so wished that you would have not shunned me, and my husband for leaving the JW religion. I know you said that you had the truth, and that we have left it. As one a follower of the JW faith, you felt like you would have to endure through some very bad times before Armageddon happens. Well, you have one thing correct, there will be some very bad times before our Lord Jesus Christ will end it all.
    I have with this letter, a packet on what you will get to look forward in the next few years. I would suggest to you that you read through that packet. I heard how now after the rapture is over there will be no holy spirit helping out. But I do hope that you take stock of what you belive in now. I guess what I am trying to say is.......well, just read the packet of information that is with this letter.

    With all my love,
    It was at this point, Ruth's mother knew. She said, "Oh my God, what have I done."

  • tdogg

    So why didn't the aliens take the JW's too?Maybe they didn't want anyone pushing watchtowers in the mothership.

  • barry

    Your been reading Hal Linsey, and the problem is not too many scolars would agree with him, why not just beleive in the second comming without all this rapture stuff. Refferences in the bible are numerous on the second comming.

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Since humans cannot "shake" their addictions to superstition and religion, and the addiction to co-dependent behavior with a need for approval, we are always inventing and adopting new sanctuaries for oursleves to find relief in after the masses are punished!

    For your own sake, think! Stop fantasizing and start learning. Unless you are willing to research and investigate these "beliefs" you will always be a prisoner to every conjured up version of "raptures", "judgment days" or "armageddons".

    Relying on superstitions is so weak and lacking in character, making one a subject for mockery. Get educated!

  • joelbear

    Sounds to me like just yet another rendition of

    nya nya I was right and you were wrong, ha ha.


  • Grout

    Joelbear is right on the money.

    I guess some people leave JWdom to become something just as stupid.

    Chip Salzenberg: Free-Floating Agent of Chaos

  • Prisca

    Those raptors in Jurassic Park used to really freak me out.....

  • DIM

    the blondie song was OK, i guess.

    i'm sick and tired of hearing things from uptight-short-sighted-narrow minded hypocritics. all i want is the truth just gimme some truth - John Lennon

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